here's a copy of my earlier post...sorry...put in the wrong thread earlier

well then...
I stick to my earlier proposal, that there should be an option in the game where alien tech for faster engines or better weapons can be obtained by expeditions...chances of succes 10%...
- once obtained, tech study slot comes open for study, cause new tech needs to be studied
- to be of actual use you need alien resources to fuel this alien tech, again expedition 10 % successrate
- fueled and studied alien tech can be applied on top of say engines for speed or weapons or shields for strength
- boost is in say 10% boost over regular lvl or 20 or can stack techs...
- is one time use only! you can attack a player, boost your weapons, say 30% by stacking 3 alien tech with the fuel for that one attack.
- you wanna do it again? go get the fuel for it, by sending expeditions
- limit amount of stacks....say can have either 50% weapons boost...or divide over 5 techs...engines, shields, etc and all 5 have 10% boost
- again...only 1 time use
- have the alien tech or fuel "go bad" so there's no resource hording of this stuff, once gathered, it needs to be used within the week or it will be of no use...
this will help in gameplay:
1. a fight between small and big is no longer a "dead" end for the smaller guy
2. the endresult still is player versus player, so the end goal of obtaining this stuff is to have an advantage over the other
3. expedition serves a greater purpose now
4. there's no everlasting advantage, you have to continue doing this, but it enables otherwise unobtainable goals
my 2 rubies

feel free to disagree!