Re: Increasing strategic options

Lol anything else Pulsar? Just make every moon impossible to pop yet in the meantime make every moon destroy 99% likely to fail and destroy the attackers other fleet.....and make the attacker pay compensation just for wasting the defenders does that sound....should he also attend MDA (Moon Destroys Anonymous) meetings once a week??? Moon destroys are a vital part of this game and always have been.....else why have a phalanx? The difference is this....not many players bother with it.......even the top players from outside AZGD with fleet seem reluctant to try yet have RIPS in their arsenal......why bother? Too risky? ....So I agree with you on one point....totally selfish view on problem and solution.....

Moon destroys have already been subject to drastic change in last few years (limits./risks etc)

Amount of unpoppable moons has increased ten fold imo ( I am sure Zorg could show the exact number)

Recently, Zorg has stated that all ruby moons will be at LEAST 9.850 big from now on......9.910 and above are not likely to be popped so there is a good chance u will end up with at least one....

So, what is the solution? I have no ideas that wil not inflame the ladies of MOC and other players (except what I listed in jest earlier)....but all new players should start with one ruby sized should not be used by "outsiders" full stop (seen that abused far too many times along with feeding inactive moon account rubies)

Phalanx times should not be possible to manipulate as discussed in other posts.....if times are wrong then it is not on what is the point?

Huge, unpoppable moon sizes should diminish a tiny amount everytime they are attacked.....if u fire missiles or w/e at something it will gradually get smaller....why not a moon? Only has to be a tiny fraction....

Supernoobs (players who think they are being original by staying under 100k in X just to avoid big players whilst in the meantime accumulating huge fleets just to smash every new player who dares to build a tiny fleet) This should stop...fleet should count for 100k or less if attacking

As I see fit I will add different opinions/ideas.....but I will also try not to think from just a fleeters perspective or a player who happened to lose a few, player gaining/retention is far more important surely.....

Flame away or's just opinions.....but let's not change the ENTIRE game to fit the opinions of a few who want an easy ride.....we all started with nothing and built up....moons were far easier to pop then.....we dealt with it.

Re: Increasing strategic options

Pulsar suggestions makes sense on MD's...
even on small moons...
I have popped some as the risk of me losing my rips are little as it stands...
If I had to worry about a 75% chance of losing them... I will be more reluctant...
Yes.., some players could still send 2 or 3 waves at a mall moon...
but if that moon gets destroyed..., and it cost 3k Rips to the attacker...
I believe the rebuilding of a new moon will be less painful for the player losing his moon..
than seeing moon after moon getting lost..., at no cost to attacker...

Re: Increasing strategic options

The game doesn't need to be changed drastically. Just keeping newbs in the game and a few tweaks here and there. As I stated earlier and in previous posts, just increase the newb protection, make some techs easier to attain. Once they are in to the game, the rest should follow on.

Tweaks, that ruby moon idea, ruby moons all "unpoppable". A newb gets a ruby moon to begin with.

Like I have said before and shall say again, the newbs need to see something for their efforts. Once you begin to build something then you want to carry it on, in most cases at least. If you get a setback almost instantly you are more likely to give up.

What's the point in researching phalanx if an opposing player can then get an anti phalanx grommit. There already is a defence against Phalanx's, it's called launching from a moon. Defence against LG's, build lots of light fighters. Defence against IPM's, build ABM's! All that needs to be there is there already. Just that tweaking is all that's needed.

Why over complicate things?

Re: Increasing strategic options

Let's proceed with two quick changes regarding moons:

1)Add a moon to 1/3 of the players that have joined in the last 180 days (about 4000 moons).
-Only at homeplanet, only if there isn't one there yet.
-These moons will be 5000-7000 size.

2)Every newcomer, starts with a moon on his main planet (5000-7000 size).

Agreements/disagreements, post.

Re: Increasing strategic options

I think inactive accounts should not be VM'd......I also want to suggest that if a VM account has not been logged onto, within a certian time period (like 6 moths) it switches to inactive status....and can be attacked. I took a break from this game for about 8 months and did not VM because i wanted everyone to farm off my mines.

I also think that there should be no unpopable moons....difficult-yes....but not unpopable. A moon for new players at their home planet is a good idea. And more moons at inactives to FS to....maybe regenerate moons at inactives that get popped

There are other good ideas here like to think on a little more before commenting

Re: Increasing strategic options

on the existing moons;
- unpoppable, no...keep the exponential natural cap as it is

on new moons on newbees;
why just out of the blue grant them? makes it easier, yes sure...
what if...
you DO NOT need an ACS in order to RECEIVE an ACS defend from 1 other player, with a cap of 500 ships.
this way you get more game play:
- you need a moon? every inavctive can now recieve an acs defend and a moonshot
- you like farming inactives? carefull now, you can get ninjad by 500 BC...

my 2 rubies