Re: Nanite Factory

Zorg Empire is what it is, yeah. I won't say that it bothers me the way population is handled, or think it needs to be changed, but I do notice.

I also think that we are supposed to be either human or post-human, given the text mentions Earth. I need to get off the computer right now, but if I remember I'll have to dig up some of those references. I see my own empires as roughly human in its makeup.
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Re: Nanite Factory

This is the only one I could find. (I didn't make a thorough search of the technologies or ships, however.)

Missile Silo:
When Earth destroyed itself in a full scale nuclear exchange back in the 21st century, the technology needed to build such weapons still existed in the universe. Scientists all over the universe worried about the threat of a nuclear bombardment from a rogue leader. So it was decided to use the same technology as a deterrent from launching such a horrible attack.
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Re: Nanite Factory

Hey Fusion, I found one more reference to old Earth in Zorg Empire.

Colony Ship:
In the 20th Century, Man decided to go for the stars. First, it was landing on the Moon. After that, a space station was built. Mars was colonized soon afterwards. It was soon determined that our growth depended on colonizing other worlds. Scientists and engineers all over the world gathered together to develop mans greatest achievement ever. The Colony Ship is born.
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Re: Nanite Factory

Again there certainly seems to be a lot of "overthinking" going on. IT's a game, lol. Does it matter whether a colony thrives even if you don't put certain things there. I would place a wager on the fact that if it didn't do so, the forums would be inundated with players who were upset it didn't do so. It's a straight forward game. Don't over complicate things. It doesn't have to be complicated to enjoy it. The alliance I am in, we play the game, yes. We also interact with each other. Perhaps you could try talking to folk, you might enjoy it.

Re: Nanite Factory

Again there certainly seems to be a lot of "overthinking" going on.
Thoughts are less expensive for some than for others.
Perhaps you could try talking to folk, you might enjoy it.
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Re: Nanite Factory

Haha, love it Mark. I see both sides. There is over-thinking going on, but that is never bad. Then yes, talking is always nice...But I can see where you are coming from Mark.

I think we are all in the right...

Why dont we all just agree upon this...There should be a single universe that is a full on Beta testing uni...They incorporate any and all of ours and their ideas to the best of their ability and work with the players on fixing each area...Players are able to build anything instantly and test it out...or however it is decided to go about it...

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: Nanite Factory

Mark wrote:
Again there certainly seems to be a lot of "overthinking" going on.
Thoughts are less expensive for some than for others.
This is the most beautiful thing I've read in a while thank you :D

A beta universe would be good, but some ideas are simple tweaks and some change core aspects of gameplay, I agree that it's conceptually a good idea, I don't think it's practical in terms of dev time unfortunately :/
Also if there was enough interest in the game to bring in enough to get the devs to do this we would likely have enough players in all universes that it was unnecessary.

Re: Nanite Factory

athight wrote:A beta universe would be good, but some ideas are simple tweaks and some change core aspects of gameplay, I agree that it's conceptually a good idea, I don't think it's practical in terms of dev time unfortunately :/
Also if there was enough interest in the game to bring in enough to get the devs to do this we would likely have enough players in all universes that it was unnecessary.
Yeah, I know what you are saying. It would be cool if they had one though. It would fix literally all bugs, and it would allow players to tell them what would legitimately work and what would be a farce.

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: Nanite Factory

It all ready does come down to that. Our Zorgian Overlords have all kinds of suggestions and feedback, but if they want the game to expand, they will have to put in the time to expand it. There's no other way around it.

I suspect that many of our suggestions have been low key specifically out of deference for the time and difficulty in redesigning the game; to address the subject of this thread, changing the prerequisites for the Nanite factory would be very easy. But Zorg Empire will never be any more than it is unless the creators take the time to make it more.
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