From the land of what if

As the other posts about a game improvement seem to be dying I thought I would throw in this for discussion

if (yes wrap your head around that) Z decided to improve our little game where would you actually like to see the improvements pop up?

We have planets that are used soley for building mines etc (which other games out there have) but really not much else is being done by them?

is there something that could be included to allow greater depth for planet use?

we have the expression 'roamer' - I read a sci fi book once where the planet actually made random appearances, not just a moon, the planet and everything built on it moved.

Moons, what if a tech could be researched allowing large rocks to be thrown at planets for an attack or for planet defence against incoming fleets?

what if players could research and build orbiting planet defence with weapons they have researched the more research done the stronger the weapons able to be built. (hell why not be able to increase the size of a floating fort/base thus increasing the defence)

What if an expedition crossed over and sent a fleet into a totally new universe with unknown and aggressive aliens. New Tech might be acquired in any clashes but death could follow quickly

Maybe an expedition is the only way to obtain a new priceless res required for a planet buster weapon.

What if planets can build and send out infantry and tank units which could attempt to take over planets? Being in an alliance might limit the time a planet could be held hostage

What if we have assault carriers which can transport attacking troops to planets

I am interested in players being able to build their own preferred weapons on ships. adding the unknown to any fleet action

Maybe a fleet killer ship armed with a rail gun/s

ok as normal hit me with your thoughts

Re: From the land of what if

The moving of worlds, taking over of worlds, personally I disagree. But, the personal customization of a particular type of ship, what a great idea. A bit like a world where you can have terraformers providing extra room, perhaps an "off the shelf" ship where you can create your own type of ship, add from a choice of different armaments, shields, engines and so forth. Even to the point where you can save your design points for future use? IF you had a ships, the "Blank Class" an empty shell, 30 building ports, adding what you wanted, designing it. Then when you had enough resources, putting it in to production. If you don't add engines first, then it will sit and get hit, lol. Adding your own personal choice of weaponry, shield levels, cargo capacity and whatever else you deem appropriate. Create an individual name for your own class of ship. great fun. How easy it would be to implement this sort of thing is another matter. Good idea though.