What is mostly important?

Elite Recs ofc
Total votes: 5 (18%)
Give us a new universe!
Total votes: 8 (29%)
Employ better graphics - eye candies to the people!
Total votes: 2 (7%)
Create real tutorials for real.. ermm newbs!
Total votes: 5 (18%)
Something else! I will write below...
Total votes: 8 (29%)
Total votes: 28

Re: How to help the game progress?

some daily rewards so newbs will visit everyday looking forward for a reward (well most of the android and apple games now has daily rewards im just basing on that)

maybe once a month there is a special event:
for example, rubies can be found during expedition but very small chances.

send email for those players when they are inactive:
for example a newb did not log in marked inactive an email will be sent to remind that your planets population are missing you. maybe this player will come back (maybe).

Re: How to help the game progress?

Let newbs grow. If they leave stuff sitting, take it, it's a learning curve. Don't keep hitting them for the sake of points as certain players do, they know who they are! Get rid of long term v moders, players that have been out of the game for more than 18 months, regardless of the fact that they have rubies. If they are not coming back, what does it matter if they have rubies or not? Delete banned players! All these VB's sat around taking up space, why? They can't play, delete them!! Give newbs more protection, 200k newb protection. Better resources to start with, 1 million of EACH resource. Have certain techs unlocked already, from the start. Let them get established before they can be attacked.

Re: How to help the game progress?

Mark wrote:
2. No, rebuilding shouldn't be easy. To the contrary, I think players should be terminable. As it is now, attaining the Death Star is anticlimactic, since one cannot use it as the original Death Star was used, to destroy planets. I would rather be decisively annihilated than kicked around and farmed into vacation mode.
what do you mean by terminable? that you can also destroy planets?

i didnt intend to say that rebuilding should be easy, i was wanting to say that it should not be painfully hard to do (maybe not so much in extreme and speed). i also was trying to point out that fleetcrashing is inherently inefficient
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...

~the V-mode Fleeter~

Re: How to help the game progress?

ach wrote:
Mark wrote:
2. No, rebuilding shouldn't be easy. To the contrary, I think players should be terminable. As it is now, attaining the Death Star is anticlimactic, since one cannot use it as the original Death Star was used, to destroy planets. I would rather be decisively annihilated than kicked around and farmed into vacation mode.
what do you mean by terminable? that you can also destroy planets?
I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

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Re: How to help the game progress?

How about redefining the cost of certain ships? For instance, Battleships. A Battleship (BS) is the first capital ship that players will build before they can go on and complete the requisite research for Battle Cruisers and Lunar Guardians. The Battleship requires no deut in its production, just metal and crystal. Metal, the most common of the different resources to find and produce in any significant amount. Crystal, not so easy. At present a battleship cost to build, in Standard Server, I don't know about the other servers, 50k Metal, 10k deut. Metal, as stated is the easiest commodity to come across. I would propose that an increased amount of metal per ship, but no cost for crystal. Raise the amount from the current 50k, to perhaps 70, 80 or even 100k? Players will be able to build themselves a decent raiding fleet without the hassles of finding the other resources needed? Comments?

Re: How to help the game progress?

oneone wrote:I am not here to create trouble - purely trying to help keep our player base alive
Your idea is a good one, but not for the reason you propose here. If Zorg Empire is to keep its player base alive, I think it will need to expand to fill more niches, not find gimmicks to keep its existing niche from growing stale.
mightyoz wrote:Comments?
This will bring in few new players. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, only that it isn't really what new players are looking for in a game.

I've read many messages on this forum, but almost all of them are geared towards currying favor among those already here. Some of these ideas are good; some are bad. But if the goal is to bring in more players, then whether they are good or bad is immaterial if they lack the ability to draw in people who are unlike those already engaged in the Zorg universe. What I think the posters in this forum don't realize is that Zorg Empire already appeals to players like you. To expand you must find ways to appeal to a broader psychology, without compromising the needs of the existing player base.
Check out my awesome science blog at http://awesomescience.us/

Re: How to help the game progress?

Another idea. When getting rid of some of your structures because you have run out of room, the next level of terraformer is prohibitively expensive, you make room by trashing a mine or storage or whatever. To do this costs you. How about instead of "paying" to take down that said structure, you get a partial refund of the original build cost? Recycling like any good builders do, you reuse some of that stuff. You would receive back 25%-50% of the original build cost?