Re: One out of left field

see, maybe just a few are talking but this is what I was hoping for. Opening another side to 'Z' and the comments so far are great. thanks guys.
Can I ask that you post a note on your alliance fourum?
this is a chance to have players from all universes playing together and input from all before would be welcome.
I totally agree that we should take it step by step
I really cant stress enough that so many players here have so much to give to the game if we can be allowed to have some input (even if 'Z' starts it up the way they wish - if players can add onto ship / weapon design in this event they might be good enough to carry over to the main games

and yes, one version of the game might even be soley for testing new items.

thanks for the feedback guys

Re: One out of left field

I think this is a good idea would certainly make the game more entertaining :) and may bring new life to the game
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.