Re: One out of left field

:O you people are masochists! one hour .... yeesh :( perhaps 2-3? (This coming from someone who has lived and breathed standard for a few years) More so that there's a higher chance people will actually get off their computer temporarily.

Also just pre-empting this issue: chat lobby for the people who are 'ready' to play, a different game I play has no chat lobby and it's very irritating ...

Personally I'd remove the player cap and say if there are 5 people ready then start the round on the next hour mark (should they all stay ready) as I can imagine half an alliance joining randomly one time for fun.

If we're talking rewards it'd make sense to sign up from an existing account (Perhaps the account you sign up from could contribute some distribution of the starting buildings/tech etc.). And multiaccounting almost wouldn't be an issue, without some kind of autorefresh bot and multiple monitors it sounds like this will be so fast that we won't have time to handle more than one account (at least when there are attacks incoming).

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but it's a good taste of action for new players to try, and I can definitely imagine some old v-mode players logging in every now and then to play a round, maybe not enough to bring them out of v-mode, but enough to bring them in from time to time.

Given Zorg likes the idea, I will be watching this space with bated breath :D

Re: One out of left field

I mentioned 10 players max purely as an idea, then new bouts or events could be starting up all the time. I wasnt thinking about players carrying over fleet from game to game. More along the lines of players coming here for an hour (or three) and then going back to work (maybe its lunch time for them and there real fleet is on fs) Yes an alliance could battle each other or as I said one on one. Its just about getting people to come back and grow our player base while having fun. maybe even two alliances fighting it out. But I also wasnt thinking about one universe, maybe Zorg could provide new universe themes and players can pick the ones they want to battle in, one with non players attacking, one with a reallllllly large res amount sitting (then a ninja comes into the game) maybe players can design a universe and we build up a library for us to select from. Also new fleet can be player designed too and given a shot. If players can design something and have their name included (ah today lets play **** design) and lets use (**** fleet kit) well it might catch on.. random thoughts thrown out yet again

Re: One out of left field

A quick general idea is the following for a 2vs2 game:

4 galaxies, 3 systems each.

Player 1 and Player 2 start as a Team in Galaxy 1 at System 1 and System 3 respectively. They get an NPC ally at System 2 with strong defense. System 2 has 2 more neutral planets for raiding.

Team 2 gets a similar setup at galaxy 4.

Galaxy 2 and 3 are mixed up with player planets and allied NPCs. They also have some starting planets of the players. So every player in fact starts with 2 planets.

NPC allies of each team, attack each other in waves.

Some new concepts will be needed, like planet life. A special building could play this role and this building will exist in each mother planet. When this building is destroyed, player loses. Rules for this need to be created.

Re: One out of left field

I love the idea, but then you have to worry about people being mad for not being able to play and if it takes awhile in between each "match" then you will have a few players that luckily got to play. We need something that isnt long term but can fit more players...Or more universes of the same concept so that everyone will be able to work through it

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: One out of left field

fusion, my idea was that if is going to last an hour then its not just one game. There could be 5 or 6 even 10 games running at the same time. one might be 1 vs 1 3 or 4 could be 3 vs 3 this is an event for fast kills.. lots of games at the same time happening so really you might not know who your playing against. well thats what i was thinking

I was hoping we wouldnt be tied down to what we have now.
ie X speed etc. this could be endless the more people with spare time the more events running

players want to use human ships vs alien ships


zorg designed ships vs their own design (this would require player input or player design team etc)

but again just ideas

Re: One out of left field

As it is, I'd be very interested to see this happen, perhaps a few rounds in alpha is called for, and update the rules accordingly for a beta...

Also a max number of players would be cool if we can have multiple of these 'matches' open at once, in that case you could almost argue that the match starts and players have 5 minutes of protection in order to build and prepare.
If this seems excessive on the server, perhaps entry cost is 1 ruby, the winning team each keeps their ruby, and the MVP (not necessarily on that team ;) ) also gets a ruby or maybe two if there's enough players, thus zorg slowly regains rubies, and we gain fun :D
(Though it would be nice if we got say one free game a day without the ruby cost)

I'd like to see some freedom to the rules (like new ships), but perhaps leave that out until the first iteration is bug free (assuming this happens :D )

As a win condition, it might be possible to put EVERYTHING on Moons thus the moons can be destroyed and the last player/team standing wins (and by their current default no resources are generated)... though I can imagine it might be easier just to create a 'population' on each planet which takes damage for every remaining round after a battle in which the attacker wins before the 6th round, could be implemented like solar sats which cannot be sent but are "invisible" until all defending fleet and defences have been destroyed, thus you could potentially 'rebuild' some population desperately when you realise a dozen RIP's are about to land unopposed.

I'd also consider setting each players starting resources to be some average of the sum of all participating player's real points + some large amount, thus older/larger players will kind of enjoy a more ferocious battle, but a game of new players are still able to build a lot without being quite so overwhelmed.
So say new players only woudl start with perhaps 200mil of each, whereas a game full of 50mil point players would start with 250m each, and a game with say 9 new players and one 1b point player start with 300m each. I suggest this more so new players aren't scared by the insane difference quite so much, but a game full of veterans will have a bit more to play with, each game being balanced still.