One out of left field

I would love to see an arena become a monthly event in Z..

What am I talking about? No, not another Generals Tournament.

Simply this.

The best and bravest players step forward to do battle in an arena

but this type of battle is different from day to day play.

Each player has a set amount of res to spend on ships prior to b
attle beginning.

Each player has a single planet where recys can transport any df to produce new ships. This is the only way to build new fleet.

Battle is won by the player making the best use of each ship in various attack formations. No Alliances allowed, its battle until one player remains.

This is a level playing field, no more talk, just shut up and fight

Nowwwww dont kick the hell out of me again.

Its an idea for something new and exciting, go with the flow...

Re: One out of left field

I like the concept!
I have only one question, how do you handle RIP turtles?
The only thing I can think of is the winner is selected after a certain amount of time to be the person with the highest attacking points, thus turtles are just bashing for real players.

I would suggest limit to one galaxy, and for the first few rounds I'd probably play as a defensive player aiming to have low defender points, so while I'd participate I don't have the time to go all in.
Also you shoudl be wary of saying no alliances, when I first played zorg I had 2 irl friends also playing (both retired now) and in this type of universe you can't prevent people from helping each other or feeding each other.

I like the idea a lot, I woudl love to see some more ideas about some of the issues that coudl arise (turtles prevent a last-man-standing; alliances are unpreventable; feeding; other thigns that I haven't thought of yet)

Re: One out of left field

The idea was that the single planet you have doesnt have mines etc, only a shipyard. This game is all about attacking, and to build you must recy df. There could be a time limit for the game. Maybe 2 days, and the game speed is fastttttt. My intention was for admin to produce another side of the ships - attacking with rf firing ships vs heavy def etc.. just something totally different.
Maybe even a totally new class of ships. It was a thought and I put it out here..

Re: One out of left field

if the round timelimit you had in mind is days, then that almost sounds like a dev's playground...

My only issue with 2 days is that most people will have to sleep, if it's at the start then you're behind, if it's in the middle, then you miss out on the booming period and if you had to sleep at the start you'll have to sleep at the end most likely.
perhaps 8 hour blocks or aprox 1 week to prevent people pulling all nighters to avoid having to fleetsave...

oh god limited resources fleetsaving.... do you save res for fleet missions or all into fleet so you don't have to worry about fleetsaving in theory..... oh no... df's have no deut ..... ... this could be the most amazing game ever! eventually we run out of deut to fly around with :D being dodged actually matters a lot XD

But I have rambled, I would suggest this type of gamemode would benefit from dev experimentation and would work better on rounds shorter than a day (~8 hours) or longer than about 5 (~1 week), in between and the time of day the round starts (and ends) at matters too much. (And yes if the rounds are ~8 hours 2/3 per day are unlikely to be viable for many people, but one should be plausible... at some time of the week)
Also considering what you said about no alliances before... perhaps allow alliances of a max size (~5) and have both individual and alliance rankings recorded, it lets players work together but not overwhelm with numbers.

Re: One out of left field

A week perhaps. Athight's point about time seems an important issue. It could be fun if the players involved were a spread of nationalities. If you live in the US your online would be quite different from someone in Europe, Asia, etc. Players going offline whilst others come online. It could be pandemonium. Yes, sounds like fun.

Re: One out of left field

what about if the fleet speed is super fast, and the rounds last 1 hour or less (other fleets killed off,finish early)

this could be a place to hang out while your fs returns, MD goes in in other universes

there could be a list of players (names changeable if they wish so as not to shown online) waiting for a challenge or bout to commence - one on one or upto ten in a game

this isnt about building worlds - its all about destroying fleet

a game within a game

it might attract players who are vmode and dont have more time to commit

just throwing out ideas

Re: One out of left field

I like the idea. An arena that is not just a speeded up version of the same game like Generals but is all about using (and learning to use) fleet.

In terms of timescale, I'd say either 1 week (a month is too long, but often people have a week where they are free/on holiday etc)

Or as oneone says above, just a couple of hours where you could while away a free afternoon/evening. In which case it could be ongoing permanently but every time you login you get a new 'starter' fleet. All fleets/planets would be deleted every 8 hours or 12 hours, and the winner at that time gets 10 rubies. No overnight FSing required :D

It would have to be a very small arena (I'd suggest 1 universe of 50 systems) and pretty quick time.

Every time you login you get 1 planet with maxed nanite/SY etc and starter res (1 bil of each?) and a bit of starter fleet. It could be a lot of fun.