Nanite Factory

Just a quick idea here. The Nanite Factory should have a requirement of a level 10 Research Lab, a level 10 Ship Yard, level 10 Robot Factory and level 10 Computer Tech.

If the Nanite Factory increases speeds in all of those areas then it should require buildings in all of those areas. Just a suggestion.

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: Nanite Factory

Zorg Empire treats galaxies as long, one-dimensional strings of star systems. Planets have no visible population living on them to be susceptible to loss of morale, intercultural miscommunication, political disagreements, or disease epidemics. Why does it make any difference whether the Nanite Factory has a Ship Yard or Research Lab prerequisite?
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Re: Nanite Factory

As Fusion says, because it's a game. Do you need more in depth game play? Perhaps another game would be more to your liking? These things are put in place as things to simply strive for. Why over complicate things? Perhaps if you had a population of 4.5 milliard per world you would like to know what certain individuals would be readying themselves for supper on a particular Thursday evening? Or maybe wonder how little Jeanie Smith of a particular family got to School one mid summer morning, did she escape that incoming attack by making it to the shelter? Or is that a little too in depth? The game is set up to be readily playable and so far seems to have a formula that by and large, works. There may always be adjustments and tweaking to be done, but the simplicity of a game such as this is what makes it so playable.

Re: Nanite Factory

What oz said. We arent trying to be mean in any way to you Mark, just trying to explain that there are certain games for certain people and although we do like some change and we do like to keep some things the same. We like the game mostly for what it is. Yes, oz is correct. Buildings, ships, research, etc... are for us players to have something to strive for.

I am always wide open to ideas and change as well as keeping some things the same but this is a game and should be kept as such

If I weren't me, I would be you.

Re: Nanite Factory

I don't think you're being mean, but I still find it surprising that you care about these proposed changes. It's not that they're bad ideas, but rather that if they were instituted, I wouldn't notice.

On the other hand, I do notice that, for instance, I can colonize a world and leave it to its own devices without any development with no ill effects. Then I can suddenly dump millions in raw materials in, only to watch as a thriving outpost appears. Maybe they were synthesizing food out of deuterium? Maybe later on they synthesized new colonists out of vanadium and quartz! Evidently, my empire is very advanced.
Last edited by Mark on Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nanite Factory

Haha, that is actually pretty funny. However I personally dont look at my colonies as actually having people living and trying to survive on my colonies. I do see what you are getting at.

Once again though, game based on simplicity... It is probably as simple as not wanting to create different "resources" such as food, air level, or anything you could think of...Another thing is that we do not even know what "race" of people we are using in this game meaning they could possibly be living off of anything. I would not automatically assume them, human.

If I weren't me, I would be you.