Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

I can see the Idea behind this and can only say anything to improve forum usage is a great idea..

However please follow the rules outlined by Zorg.. posting CR's that are no more than raids in Union of honour, is not necessary and just token seeking...and will be deleted..They are not worthy of many great battles that have occurred in Xtreme.

I suggest if there is a need to post this type of attack then Zorg should create a separate category for just CR's/Raids.

Will add a new post for you to vote on this point to help improve the forum.

Re: New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Zorg wrote: For every user nomimated here! You may nomimate one user yourself and you cannot nommimate yoursef. Create a post to name a nomimee till October 31. Every nomimee earns 5 tokens.
To which forum shall we post these nominations?
Ming, Emperor of Mongo, Chastiser of Worlds