Dire_Venom VS jwalkxxx TD: 1.7 BILL :)

Saw fleet down esped all his planets no sign of fleet and itd been down a few updates. 1 hour latest i realized id espd everywhere except his main.... and his fleet was there. Had 2 launch from g7 but was worth it :0)
He vmoded the next day. Never responded to mt pm to help him rebuild, but Glotr anyway:

Attacker Loss: 256.480.000 Defender Loss:1.444.747.950
winnings Metal:10.779.000 Crystal:4.245.897 Deuterium:17.312.103
Debris Metal:516.676.620 Crystal:503.965.650

Obviously 1 rip is one rip 2 many.. and wrecked my bcs but still good profit. df all netted plus 340 mill det collected :)!!!!!!!!!!