New Contest - Win Zorg rubies!

Greetings everyone,

We need to boost forum activity a bit which seems down.

For this reason we will set up a forum game. During the game, users will gather tokens. The users with the most tokens win the prizes.

Top Prize: 1500 Rubies
Second Prize: 1000 Rubies
Third Prize: 500 Rubies
Fourth prize: 250 Rubies
Fifth prize: 100 Rubies
6th to 20th: 50 Rubies
21th to 50th: 25 Rubies

The contest starts from this moment till the end of October! November 1st we will count the tokens for each user (all together :P )

Some ways to earn tokens, have a CAP. A CAP is the maximum amount of tokens you may earn for a specific way till the contest finish. For example, CAP 5 means that you can win up to 5 tokens for this way.

Ways to earn tokens:
Create an introduction topic in Welcome Forum
This will earn you 5 Tokens. This applies only to players that do not have a topic there already.

For every player that creates an introduction topic, he may name one other player (as his referral) in his topic. The player that is mentioned, wins 3 tokens.

For every 3 combat report replies (by other users -different than attacker and defender), both attacker and defender earn 1 token. Cap 5 per topic.

For every 25 of your posts, you earn 1 token. Cap: 10

For every user nomimated here! You may nomimate one user yourself and you cannot nommimate yoursef. Create a post to name a nomimee till October 31. Every nomimee earns 5 tokens.

Post in Community forums:
-For every post in General Chat, you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Music you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Sports you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Car/Moto you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Computers you earn 1 token. Cap 10.
-For every post in Military you earn 1 token. Cap 10.

Post in other forums:
-For every post in Help forums you earn 1 token. Cap 20.
-For every post in Welcome to the forums, you earn 1 token. Cap 30.

(Post here will always require a ccertification first due to board restrictions for global announcements - allow some time for this till a moderator approves it)