Results as follows:
Attacker Loss: 166.660.000 Defender Loss:711.859.850
winnings Metal:9.318.333 Crystal:9.318.333 Deuterium:9.318.333
Debris Metal:269.183.460 Crystal:238.309.950
Follow ups got a decent haul: (all df collected, some of it sent back 2 ari to help with rebuild))
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:22.548.500
winnings Metal:38.639.372 Crystal:10.768.465 Deuterium:2.924.034
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Attacker Loss: 4.250.000 Defender Loss:24.032.500
winnings Metal:77.278.743 Crystal:21.536.930 Deuterium:5.841.847
Debris Metal:300.000 Crystal:2.250.000
Glotr Ari, best of luck next time