Deidara [Rogue] VS Whoisit [SK] 18,537,884,650

Watched fleet update and saw it was down. Probed and saw no change after the next update. Launched roamer and went for it.

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 26.151.749 units of Metal, 12.838.001 units of Crystal and 36.762.591 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 2.764.700.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 15.773.184.650 units.
A debris field containing units of Metal and 5.012.849.550 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %
All Debris recovered.

Good luck on the rebuild.

Re: Deidara [Rogue] VS Whoisit [SK] 18,537,884,650

Seeing this made me :lol: for many reasons.....One it was on whoisit.. I know how active whoisit is and how hard he would have been to hit, seeing as we were in the same alliance for over a year.. Yet with in 24/36hrs of you taking that account over ( Now if I am not mistake.. Megamedes amazingly got your fleet in speed server [MegaMedes vs Deidara TD: 64.707.819.850] and as a sorry 0r was it payment you get his account in Xtreme) Either way I don't give a rats ***.. so much double dealing now allowed that it is not worth worrying over anymore...

Back to the hit on whoisit... Now you join forces with your old buddy Guardian ex (chosen) no problem there.... then suddenly another old buddy comes out of long term VM Arthas also ex (chosen) and he joins whoisits alliance SK... bingo whoisit has no fleet.. (Player base can make up their own minds up on this hit)

for me I am still :lol:.. enjoy your spoils.. however you get them... I am sure we will be seeing each other soon enough...

Just wish to add that this is ironic that Whoisit had so many hits on Valhalla members when his RL brother freaker is a maybe what goes around comes around..jmo..

Re: Deidara [Rogue] VS Whoisit [SK] 18,537,884,650

Congratulations Deidara,
Very well done.

I just overslept due to the way to good party @ friends yesterday.
So. now its me who shall rebuld. :-)

@Gozar : u talk to much, think to much and have played to much too , maybe time for another game 4 u.
Maybe u should join the ZE police who keep eyes on every player movements..

And u cannot block the forum. i bet your block-list is longer then your friends list,.

Back on the hit....

Well done! and im very happy it was not the ZE police who crashed me!
Cheers ,

Last edited by whoisit on Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Deidara [Rogue] VS Whoisit [SK] 18,537,884,650

I don't care what u think mark.

Maybe u should change your name in Mr. blue as it seems you live in your protected v-mode environment
Even if u have the biggest fleet, i think u also have the smallest balls and send out your puppys to do the work.

I also think u should stop hiding each time u make a big hit.
Play your own game and please let everyone in ZE do the same.
