Re: AZGD Declares WAR on Silent Killers

Lol, getting your panties in a twizzle and throwing a strop is going to give you a coronary, haha. Perhaps if you had bothered reading what I'd originally written, i.e. "Perhaps I'm missing something, I have never played Xtreme and do not know anything about either alliance. " (unless of course you have trouble reading??, in which case I apologise to those who are challenged in that department), you would understand where I was coming from. But, I can see from that last statement you seem to have trouble understanding so it's best left there. Perhaps when it comes around for your turn to share your alliance's communal neuron again, you may better understand it. Perhaps not.

Re: AZGD Declares WAR on Silent Killers

Well said Jim,

As we are a new and small alliance and Gozar is having a personal war with me over some probes, he!
that has nothing to do wit war/ strategy game thats just bu***it .
Gozar, as u CANNOT BLOCK the forum i will speak to i in here;

I did not byte the hand that feeds me, i probed dude. If that is, for u, a reason to into war.....????


Re: AZGD Declares WAR on Silent Killers

Why did you probe the most powerful strongest player in that server? Did you not think that it was perhaps a bad thing to do? It HAS everything to do with a war strategy game. You are in an alliance. Why? You are in competition with others. If you want to know what he has, perhaps you should have asked him? If he wasn't forthcoming with an answer, it may be because he doesn't want you to know, hadn't you thought of that. A probe is an "ESPIONAGE" probe. Just the name might suggest to some that it may have some sinister overtones about it? So, using these things might be construed as being a little invasive, or did that not occur to you, lol. This is not the My Little Pony Game, if you want to play safe, don't probe, you may be attacked anyway, but THAT IS THE GAME! Also to this Jim character, my comments you say are self defeating, how? It is not me that has been defeated (after a couple of minutes of war being declared, lol). It is not self defeating for me at all. Whereas as you, surrendered already? Now that's defeat, hahaha!!!

Re: AZGD Declares WAR on Silent Killers

.....I hope u are proud of this victory..

Maybe candy crush is an idea? much less violent..

We are here for the gamefun, to grow, and yes to have a little competition. but u my friend are no competition. u are way to big to play this game normally

An old italian saying :

I am di mario, i work for the maffia,,,, i kill for money... But u ? U are my friend i kill u for nothing.


Re: AZGD Declares WAR on Silent Killers

Firstly, I am not your friend, never will be, I don't know you. But what I do know is, you play a war/strategy game, accept the rules when you first join. You make an aggressive move towards another player, whether that be the most powerful, nearly omnipotent player in the server or a newb just out of protection, in this case the former, lol, then whine about it when that said player makes an aggressive move back, now, what's all the whinging about? Perhaps Candy Crush is more your forte, because sure as hell, your'e going to get crushed, but no candy will be involved, lol! Now, scour the internet, see if you can find a game that more suits your idea of what's fair or not, if you can't find anything, carry on here, but stop the moaning. Your alliance is responsible from PROBING, that was the choice made by one of your members, take it on the chin, shut up, or otherwise go and play with your dolls if you require something more sedate.

Re: AZGD Declares WAR on Silent Killers

Ah, the result of your failed argument, lol. Love it, instead of accepting you are in the wrong, childish comments. What was that you said about children "Jim". Perhaps I should "Deny" your comment, hahahahaha!

Re: AZGD Declares WAR on Silent Killers

You know mightyoz only a guy with a real tiny d*** feels he must win an argument about something he has no involvement in. So if it means that much to you than kudos bro it is all yours, I'm just focusing on strategy and having fun instead of wasting my time ;)

Re: AZGD Declares WAR on Silent Killers

Haha, more name calling, love it. At least you know and admit I am right, you are wrong, perhaps you have got the use of that communal neuron in your alliance, changed its battery and it's finally started working. Thanks for the Kudos, I do sooo much appreciate it. Last point though, it is Zorg Forums, everything posted for everybody to see. You chose to start posting things here, and again, moan about it when someone reads it? lol, moan, whinge, moan, whinge, I "deny you" lol!