Looking for good alliance to join.

Hi, I'm dak31 and I am looking for a good alliance to join.

What I have to offer for an alliance:
-I will help other player within the alliance when they need help
-I am on almost every day several times
-I can, and will, participate in raids and wars whenever I can
-I can contribute to the general advancement of the alliance

What the alliance must have for me:
-Must be willing to help me when I need help.
-Must be generally active and hosting events(wars, raids, etc.)
-Must have 3+ members, or must have player nearby to one of my planets

Excuse me if I seem picky, but I don't want to join an alliance and later get kicked out because I expected something from the alliance. It's already happened, and don't want it to happen again.

I will be lenient on these principles, and for the most part, I will join any alliance that wants to have me! :lol:

Re: Looking for good alliance to join.

As stated previously "or fleet crush yours hard working fleet because you ware not online as excuse for being not online". I think in decent alliance that you join would trash your fleet if you leave it sitting, rather than another alliance taking your stuff. Just don't do it, there is no excuse for it. If you do and accept it, then most will take you. Flysafe. Enjoy Zorg.