Zorg wrote: Activity in X-TREME has risen. I cannot share exact data but here is a sample using actual metrics:
September activity: 100%
October activity: 114%, an increase of 14%
November activity: 123%, an increase of 23% since September and 9% since October.
Well, I have also made my views now elsewhere so I won't repeat them. But I wonder about the above figures. The universes certainly don't give the impression of being more active. Admittedly the above relates to XTREME and my experience is primarily on SPEED, but still... this is lasts week's raiding top 3 on Speed (I usually take a note of totals just before the weekly update):

1 Impachik 2,141,347,371
2 Destruction 1,322,912,040
3 MoMo 1,313,813,230

Go back a few weeks and it looked like this:

1 Crusher 5,337,573,275
2 Impachik 3,696,242,025
3 MechWarrior 3,102,546,957

Clearly, a lot res is being raided, and that includes hits on both active and inactives. I think those examples are pretty typical of recent weeks compared to 2-3 months ago.

Perhaps your figures include only active v's active. In which case, go figure. With no inactives to farm, many of us have turned to crushing noobs, and are generally scanning and hitting actives somewhat more.


But, by all means delete the VB's, Vacation mode banned players. There was one in galaxy 2 of standard universe, multiplaying under a name and variations on that name. Taking up a lot of space that you can't colonise. BUt good farms? I now have to go through my exhaustive list of shortcuts deleting most of them, there is not even an easy way to do that on mass.


Is there not a system set up to turn thee inactive accounts into NPC's? I mean kind of a non-human aspect? That way thee accounts that do go inactive are not as easy to plunder and add another element of challenge and maybe could even form a superior race.. (Independant of our efforts of course).. Just a thought...:):)
The strong shall help the weak to stand...


Yep that is a good suggestion, although sometimes people leave their acct inactive on purpose intending to come back to it,.. but perhaps after 50 days or whatever this could work. Those under 10k could be immediately deleted and the larger ones could operate as NPCs, much more fun than simple inactives but still providing targets.. and of course each would be unique as it had started out as a player acct.


NPC's that regenerate hourly, LF, resources, and defenses, no cap limit, they dont stop regenerating until reset by a raid.

You have to figure out how many NPC's, and how they are spread out.

Perhaps slot 16 expedition could be changed to be the hidden NPC, cant probe it, all systems will have one in game, you take a risk hitting them not knowing what to send until after you send attack and see CR that lasts more than 2 rounds. alot of systems, so could be some jackpots out there building up, but at a risk of crashing if you dont send enough fleet

, next to outer space tab at bottom be a DF box to send recs at slot 16 DF
You can only send fleet slots based on expedition lvl. Zorg made expeditions useless, perhaps a way to revive the feature into NPCs

Anycase, the situation at hand is, I know the impact of the erases at hand, because I have them all mapped out. already raiding potential of the server is cut in half, and still deletions continue already noticed in raid stats. few months ago I was raiding double, not possible now.

Im tightening my belt for the long haul, attacks on actives will soon commence in exterminating fashion to replace farms, turtles and miners will soon be dinosaurs, there are alot of wolves out there with a thinning sheep herd

For every action is a reaction. There are after shocks after Earthquakes, with some aftershocks being bigger than the Earthquake itsself RIP ZE


Why do ZE continue on this course? I very much like what they've done with the mass reform (Good on them!) But they seem to be single-mindedly pursuing this deletion... could someone please explain what the ment by "Mass is the least active due to no-deletion".
Massacre is shriveling and beginning to lose player interest. I've become a lot less active because there is simply nothing
to raid. If you want us to hit other players we need fleets, and raiding actives hard cause the battle Is very in favour of the defender. Finding fleets to crash is rare, and I just spend most of my time on ze twiddling my thumbs and waiting for something exciting to happen (it rarely does except when Jack or Mard crash me: P ) please listen ZE, we buy your rubies so you could at least give an ear to your customers.
Thanks ZE, we want to be friends not working against you