I suggest that the requirement for an ACS Depot to hold an ACS Defend fleet be dropped,
My reasoning for that is:
It's the small New-Bee player that needs his buddies to ACS Defend him
but ---
its the new-bee that doesn't have the extra Resources to build ACS Depots
Athight hits the nail on the head, I feel. If they fleetsave, don't have anything to take, then they would be safe. ACS comes later.
Also,how many times is an ACS depot actually used? Again, probably not a lot. Depending on where their world is, the defending allies might not want to spend the deut just to defend someone who can't make their stuff safe. Also, if that person was offline, how would their team mates know they were under attack? If they were online, surely they would move their stuff before they got hit?
ahhhh, Oz you have a short memory
how many times did I catch one of "XXX-xxx" players Elites at someone's planet that were on my buddy list
even when They were not online,
13 in one night if I remember correctly
I had more fun crashin his Elite cargos for him
than raidin "Fat Cow" Inactives
I remember it very well Buzz. Great days. But, that was you against some very stupid experienced players. Not newbs.
As I remember rightly, it was you, being noble and looking after newbs that were being bashed by those same experienced players that were often doing that to. And rightly so, lol.
In this case though I think rather than acs, as I have suggested before, that when you start the game from a completely fresh start, as a newb, your first world, you know, that crappy one with 180 Fields (Standard) you should start with a moon. A one off, the first and only free moon you get without moonshots or rubies. Make it so it can't be popped.
If they launch from and to that, do everything around that moon they will learn that it's dangerous not to and will make them safe from flanxing. Even fleetsaving. From a moon to a world and back. Not ideal, but you can't be flanxed. I think that is a better idea. Safe(ish) and it teaches them the need for fleetsaving at all times.