Its time.. Its past time

I have been playing this game for many yrs under (4) different names in all 4 Uni's.

I can remember starting in standard and having moons popped and small fleets killed every week. Joining an alliance and reading all the chat about rips coming and people screaming for help.

Learning who the good guys are and the ones we all wished would go blue and never be seen from again.

I state all this because over the yrs I have played not much has changed except one important factor.

The player base is decreasing. (no please dont tell me how many new noobs are coming every week - I will just look at how many are (is) just as quickly on the galaxy maps)

No new buildings, No new ships (I dont include whats in generals - its here and then its gone)

On this forum the same topics come up over and over.
many are from experienced players worried that the game will die.

Form a working group from the exp players or just the mods

LISTEN to their ideas/thoughts (you need to learn your not always right)

Build a new Uni server with all the new (recycled) ideas and lets do it for gods sake.
Most players in the old servers will go blue/stay blue and play in the new version of the game. Some older players might just even come back for the chance of a fresh even start.

If the old servers arent making money remove them.. (I have 2 accounts in the top 15 in 2 servers. this decision is not made without thought)

We have been asking for something new for soooooo long now...

Even a little change like sending out a fleet and attacking and being able to land/return on another planet would be nice.

Maybe a fleet carrier that launches thousands of fighters saving on duet

A mine layer along the lines of recy/EC (large and heavy) able to place minefields and people coming to visit will receive a surprise.

Laying mines around a popular (ia farm)

Anything would be nice. I love the game and most of the people I have met here. But I am finding even my thoughts are turning to.. what game is out there that I can try thats different.. had enough of raiding/raiding/raiding each and everyday

do something please.

Re: Its time.. Its past time

I'd settle for the things that Zorg has said would be implemented.

I don't mean to bash you Zorg but there are several things where you say one thing and do another.

Why not create a list of what you're willing and able to do, let the players vote the priority and you grab items from the top?

Re: Its time.. Its past time

To be fair, this is a little foolish, we all want change, and then on the suggestion forums, barely a handful of people post their support.

I'm sure zorg would make a change against their better judgement if enough people noted their support for an idea.

As it is its rare for a suggestion post to reach a new page, and if it does that often means its not support from the playerbase but rather more arguments/discussions over an idea. there have been a few times recently (changes to the espionage message page) that a simple idea was posted, and about 10 people supported the idea.

If zorg likes an idea, then i would expect a minimum of 10-15 players for it to be approved, otherwise given the number of people still actively playing across all servers, about 10-20% support would be expected, but that's going to be close to 30-40 players at a minimum by my guestamate.

I have been slack in this area, but if we want an idea approved, we need to drag our alliance mates onto these forums to provide their opinions.

That would be an interesting stat from zorg though, how many people do we need to provide support for an idea for it to be considered? also perhaps we should have 'representatives' who's opinion rather than a +1 carries more weight for the people they speak for (perhaps max at +5 or something)