Debris fields to be added to raid scores

Personally I think that all res should count towards raid present debris fields from fleet crashes aren't and that doesn't seem right. Meant to be a war game not a passive one for people to just raid inactives 24/7 to get top raiding spots. Hopefuly would encourage more people to actively chase fleets (seeing as getting on raid top ten seems to be the main objective of late for most).

Re: Debris fields to be added to raid scores

You'll find there are far more raiders than fleeters in every server......there seems to be an inbalance towards fleeting as it is what with MD limits, unpoppable (yes UNPOPPABLE despite Zorgs opinion that it is not the case) etc.....give the fleeters a chance for a change....not everyone wants to play 24/7 in the hope of hitting top ten in raids :D

Re: Debris fields to be added to raid scores

I also oppose the Idea, maybe have a section for Debris collected, as far as more Fleeters on the server, It is kind of tough with the biggest Fleeter on the server hunting everyone down like rabid dogs, with zero chance of defense, also, I am pretty sure no moon is Un-poppable, or soon will be the case, anything else I would say here, is common knowledge, even if the ones responsible for the decline of this server, remain in denial. I will add as I have always said, the Trophy system on this game is stupid, people get Attacker Medals, for getting Raped raw. This will be my last post for an indefinite time, RL issues, blah, blah, blah I would hope to see more important issues addressed in this game before I do return, but I doubt it. but I will return, just too addicted to it. lol Fly Safe and Happy Hunting fellow Zorglings 8-)


Re: Debris fields to be added to raid scores

Going off on a tangent there Hattter lol....and u can't blame fleeters for a decline of server if players keep losing their fleets...and I always said previously that the Scoreboard was a poor idea (more likely to have sped up the demise on most servers)...but if we are to have it then make it balanced for fleeters and raiders... (Good point about how a defender who gets crashed hard can still get a top attackers medal for failing lol) As for unpoppable moons you couldn't be further from the truth.... at some point the RIPS required become unobtainable in anyones lifetime....I suggest you check Zorg tools and see the ratio for RIPS after 9.899 up to 9.9999...and there's quite a few out there of that size before u state otherwise :D