Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Sorry for the delay on this post...I am sure many have seen by now and wondered what this was all about..

Simple...many alliances have the same rule...leave your fleet down for a long period of time without being online..it gets recycled... Due to unforeseen RL issues Flapper's fleet was down for over 3 up dates...almost 4hrs this was way to long, many fleets get recycled in less time... we gave Flapper as much leeway as we could...

Due to the time... we discussed within the alliance...

I had placed a roamer in the same system as a precaution after 1st missed update...was given a moon sent deut and launched... I have to say that Flapper came online just after the crash... all DF has been returned less my losses..

I did not enjoy this hit...this was not made for profit...purely to prevent our enemies from gaining from this slip..

Huge glotr Flapper..hope your RL issues are now resolved...

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

step 1: send 20k RIP on ACS (unbeatable so far in game)
step 2: send those isolated 1 rip suicide mission to take out the fodders.
step 3: collect the df.
step 4: when player gets back on send back the Fodder DF.

for a great player this can easily be done by you. but instead you went for glory. and now made a forum post boasting the TD. goes to say what you want to say and what you actually express either do not match.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

To be fair this wasn't a solo decision......and was as per alliance rules as it always was with EZT when PK was in charge...in fact PK never left it that long before reacting.......there was always a chance someone else could have sent suicide RIPS in the time frame mentioned without our knowledge....as I see it this post was to clear the air and stop assumptions.....I have received plenty messages on this as no doubt Gozar and Flapper have....and tbh there wasn't even a need to disclose this hit to the player base....was an internal alliance matter and could have remained just that.......but we have nothing to hide so was made public........now I can say with some certainty that this is not always the case with some alliances in some servers.....

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

I am glad that no rules were broken and I hope that the DF was, in fact, returned to Flapper. However, as SPY stated, you could have easily prevented this by doing an ACS defend on him. As you know, you only get 60% of that fleet back, minus your losses and he will will get maybe half that fleet back. But wait...what about the deut that disappeared into thin air? Take that into account and he might have 1/3 of what he originally had.

I question this logic as it could have been prevented by a simple maneuver of ACS defend and then ask him for the deut it cost to launch the defend.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

SPY wrote:step 1: send 20k RIP on ACS (unbeatable so far in game)
step 2: send those isolated 1 rip suicide mission to take out the fodders.
step 3: collect the df.
step 4: when player gets back on send back the Fodder DF.

I do not know what game you are playing... But I will address each point in turn..
step1:... 20k rips on ACS (WHAT).. I guess you meant defend...and what time frame should have done this for?.... I had know Idea how long he would remain off line...2nd on this point. This would have reduced my own defense.. if probed then that player would have seen the 20K rips.. as reinforcements... knowing the only player with that amount would have been me..thus putting me in a more vulnerable position.

step2: don't think you have done any suicide missions.. these would have cost on average 100kk each suicide mission with a minimum of 5 required to achieve any chance of said result.... You can not send just 1 rip does not work... you really need to gain more information

steps 3 and 4 are irrelevant...

you are missing one big point... the time scale and time of game play... I will not say to much on this but due to my own commitments I did not have to much time to do any of the above with rips.. at no time did I use Rips.. even in the same system they require 40mins plus.. one way...

What really sums you up it this part of your post:-
SPY wrote:for a great player this can easily be done by you. but instead you went for glory. and now made a forum post boasting the TD. goes to say what you want to say and what you actually express either do not match.

SPY once again You make a judgement without all the facts.. then follow this up with a personal comment...

I will say the only player that can state any objection to this is Flapper himself.. I believe if any foul play had been made he would have every right to voice here...

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Small point but quite relevant. Who outside AZG can kill a 5.5 Mille fleet without losses or with little losses? No one.
When one man rises.. The other falls...
Know that if your fleet has been spotted it will fall, no matter the cost or time..

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Flapper[AZGD]~TD~29,090,608,800

Gozar wrote:I do not know what game you are playing... But I will address each point in turn..
step1:... 20k rips on ACS (WHAT).. I guess you meant defend...and what time frame should have done this for?.... I had know Idea how long he would remain off line...2nd on this point. This would have reduced my own defense.. if probed then that player would have seen the 20K rips.. as reinforcements... knowing the only player with that amount would have been me..thus putting me in a more vulnerable position.
And therein lies the heart of the matter. Let us analyze this entire statement.

1. You could have set up a roamer and ACS defended him with 20K rips for 32 hours at very little cost to you.
2. Who can you honestly say on this server could have penetrated your fleet that was left down??? I can tell you that no one could have.

Again, flawed logic reasoning on your part. You could have done and not suffered any loss. However, your chosen course of action leaves Flapper with about 1/3 of his fleet. I have done that very thing on a different server for a mate.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War