im not good with name so you can give one if this works out
cost to build
100 metal 350 crystal
structure points 450(edited)
sheild strength 5 (edited)
attack points 5(edited)
cargo capacity 20
deut consumption 1
speed 10 000(edited)
shipyard 1
combustion drive 1
( recently edited in) rapid fire stats
rapid fire against light fighter 5
rapid fire against heavy fighter 2
rapid fire against battleship 5
rapid fire from RIP 1000
rapid fire from cruiser 10
rapid fire from plasma cannon 12
rapid fire from battlecruiser 20
rapid fire from destroyer 15
rapid fire from light laser 10
this isnt my best idea but i still would like to see a new ship type be implemented most preferably a cheap one tht anyone can build mass numbers of...again feedback is welcome