-=new fighter class ship=-

im back with another suggestion guys...this is my idea for an even cheaper but weaker fighter class ship 8-)

im not good with name so you can give one if this works out

cost to build

100 metal 350 crystal


structure points 450(edited)

sheild strength 5 (edited)

attack points 5(edited)
cargo capacity 20
deut consumption 1
speed 10 000(edited)


shipyard 1
combustion drive 1
( recently edited in) rapid fire stats
rapid fire against light fighter 5
rapid fire against heavy fighter 2
rapid fire against battleship 5
rapid fire from RIP 1000
rapid fire from cruiser 10
rapid fire from plasma cannon 12
rapid fire from battlecruiser 20
rapid fire from destroyer 15
rapid fire from light laser 10

this isnt my best idea but i still would like to see a new ship type be implemented most preferably a cheap one tht anyone can build mass numbers of...again feedback is welcome :mrgreen:
Last edited by brutalitywarlord on Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:09 pm, edited 4 times in total.
All war is Brutal, and I will master it all

Re: -=new fighter class ship=-

that would have more shield than a battlecruiser...

and given the low cost, a player such as myself could quite easily make 100k+ in a snap...
i like the idea of a ship that will die as soon as its shield is breached basically.. but at that price, its a powerful shield wall unless its slow.

Re: -=new fighter class ship=-

brutalitywarlord wrote: cost to build

100 metal 350 crystal


structure points 500
First, I would like to why you are so brutal.

Second, structure points = metal+crystal cost = 450 in this case.

Third, at that cost you could build 20k for the cost of one RIP. Keep this in mind because I am going to keep using that 20k figure.
brutalitywarlord wrote: sheild strength 50 (edited from 500)

attack points 25
50 × 20k = 1.000.000 shield points vs 1 RIP = 50.000
25 × 20k = 500.000 attack points vs 1 RIP = 200.000

Very impressive stats. I know that doesn't consider rf but still mightily overpowered at first blush.

brutalitywarlord wrote:
deut consumption 1
Wow, ridiculously low.

brutalitywarlord wrote: Speed 20 000
The great speed is not really consistent with the idea of it being a beginner ship.

I like the idea of having an attack ship that beginners can build as soon or almost as soon as they start but it it shouldn't turn out to be the most powerful ship in the game ;). The best solution might not be a new ship but an idea that has been floated before of starting new players with mines and research lready developed to some degree (which would make the light fighter immediately available) and/or a starting gift pack of ships
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Do Science Responsibly: Don't Do Science and Drive

"While it's good to learn from experience, it is better to learn from other people's experience" - Warren Buffett

Re: -=new fighter class ship=-

just one argument here.

if you think a beginner can build 20k of this type of ship to operate... then an advanced player can build 20.000.000 of this type of ship if need be.

just saying ... what you are asking is just going to give a new kind of munition to the big players.

now how about this class of ships can only be available to players who are under 250k points? lets call it cadet class fighter ships.

as soon as a player hits or goes above 250k points the ship yard will undergo an empire wide upgrade which will block its development for building this kind of ships.

i believe this work around could help start players with something that the advanced players do not have. its not going to be over powering but it does makes the game alot more fun.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.