as i stated in the thread for suggests about interface improvements (mobile) i thought the capability to name fleets would assist the mobile play...
and i like the basic idea of being able to identify a set of ships (for a purpose) and identify it by name....
not sure how the veteran ships idea would really work , but it maybe an enabler into "maintenance"/obsolencene...
should ships etc have a limited lifespan (missions/mileage/combat) after which they are scrapped or need a maintenance overhaul (met/cry/deut payment)....
you could have new techs to either reduce downtime (due to maintenance) or extend ship life etc....
Re: Personalized Warfare
#11Just S N A R L & LEAP
"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.