Re: Things To Laugh About

Ok heres something that should give you a giggle, it sure had me in histerics. :lol:

I launched my fleet on a target earlier tonight, the nice guy had left his fleet on his moon, how considerate. Anyway, i safety probed 55 seconds before impact, his fleet was gone, absolutley nothing there.

Thinking he had come online and pulled off an escape i let my fleet go through with the attack anyway as the deut was spent, cursing quietly to myself. Turns out though, somebody else had hit him just before my fleet did. This other person had forgotten to time their recs to pick up the DF in time.

Two seconds after my fleet landed and hit nothing i got this report from my recs:

You collect; 68.916.150 units of Metal and 35.083.850 units of Crystal.

Lovely. Quite possibly the best win:loss ratio ever? Hell yeah. ;)

My condolences to the person who missed out on this yummy profit, but i thank you for doing my dirty work and giving me free pizza. :lol:

I think i officialy win this thread. 8-)

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...