Alliance wars improved page

well what you think about this
a get bored and a created this
this page shows when war is declared on other allaince
Leader will get message about war declarations
and this how should look it it or something similar
free to comment if you like it or not
any sugestions are welcome
also data enter here are fake mostly
8-) :mrgreen: :geek: :ugeek: :boohoo:

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Re: Alliance wars improved page

This actually seems like a very neat idea. A few kinks to fix out here and there - possibly condense information and make interfaces smooth and easy to load/access for both net and mobile use. The only issue would be coding the war from the official starting point via forum and ending it on time as well. It seems a bit difficult to put together, as far as messages from leaders and setting it up from forum->game is concerned, but it's not a bad start to something.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Alliance wars improved page

coming sooon new pictures Scoreboard improvement
wars declarations time
upgrading units only for extreme because there cant be added new ships dont worry you cant cheat with this one when a make sugestions
Alliance page improvement
buildings upgrade improvement
thanks again for nice comments :geek: :ugeek:

all these sugestion when a make it will look weird however if zorg code it it could make game more interesting

Ships kill upgrade well this a will add too
a was thinking that each ship show what type of ships that ship killed and how much

also maybe a will add Forum improvement too it depends of my will and time

See ya

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