Eldrith Pirates vs Toras Raiders

The Eldrith Pirates declare war on the Toras Raiders.

The leader has been notified.


-No merc's for either side.
-We go until one side gives up or we come to a mutual agreement to end the war

If Toras Raiders wish to state conditions they should message me and I will discuss them.
Last edited by OrionRising on Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: Eldrith Pirates vs Toras Raiders

fatesoul wrote:Tora .. Orion state that no merc allowed .. Caius join your alliance after we declare the war .. we are fine .. but sending suicide hit to get high damage is not fine .. no sport at all .. shame on him ... grow some balls and do proper hit ..

a suicide hit ? although i'm well known for a suicidal maniac . you should count you're entire alliance luky . #1 I SENT A DEATHSTAR WITH MY RAID ATTACKDS TO ENSURE I MADE IT THROUGH HIS DEFENCE IF HE WERE NOT TO COME ONLINE . #2 BALLS ? YOU HAVE NO IDEA . please don't prevoke me to show some balls . i have a flame in me tis best left unlit . please dude don't start with the prevoking . an stop crying defence bash all because i included a deathstar in my raid attacks with my ec to help push through his shell . why does he leave so much resources lieing around . "orion " make a mess of myself ? is this a prevoke ? ? ? read the boards . i'm vastly taking back what you're alliance stole of mine . you still seem to want to prevoke me huh ?