CokeySmurf(Pirates) vs FyreWolf(RBL) 1,694,853,500 TD

So he has hit our alliance a few times now. He was even warned after hitting Thinman. I also warned him today that he had attracted our attention and was now being hunted. He told me I would have to wait as he was going to v mode for exams and would let me know when he came back. Arrogant. He then told me he was logging off; hmmm. I waited a little bit and launched 2 MD on his moons in the same system. I hoped I would be able to figure which inactive moon he fs'd to. To my surprise and delite, he had fs to his own moon in the same system. I had him on lanx. After waiting many hours and some assistance from a few mates I got my roamer in place, a moon and then came the BOOM:

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 13.352.717 units of Metal, 13.352.717 units of Crystal and 13.352.717 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 675.228.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.019.625.500 units.
A debris field containing 477.996.600 units of Metal and 416.784.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.

All DF collected
I'll hit you so smurfin' hard it'll feel like you smurfed a freight train

Re: CokeySmurf(Pirates) vs FyreWolf(RBL) 1,694,853,500 TD

GLOTR to me....!!!
Well, hits happen, only difference, this was to me, and it was big...
I've never exactly been properly hit before so....

Well, yeah...I would start rebuilding but, exams coming will go into VM in the next 48 hrs..'
Ofcourse,once the exams are over, I'll be free for the next 3 months...
I'll catch you guys then....and I mean literally catch you...
Well, again, GLOTR to me
Sé onr sverdar sitja hvass!
May your swords stay sharp!
