Re: Probes on attack fix

dude you read my mind probe raiding would not affect me as i am an established player but if an abundance of people started doing it then it would detur any new people the excitement of a fsast growth which is what will keep new players here
Dont fear death welcome it...

Re: Probes on attack fix

I could easily spam 1 mil probes if i wanted, but i just hate probe raiding. Unfair play imo. I'll keeps sending my EC's, may be slower but i'm happy with that tactic.
Players who use those ships in this manner are slowly killing this game , that's reality.
Pwning new players once they're outgrown noob protection is bad enough, but denying them farms is worse.
Just my opinion...
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Probes on attack fix

Are farms honestly so very scarce?

One realistically requires from one to two minutes to complete a probe raid/

One must invest nearly 200 million crystal in Standard to get the 60,000 probes needed merely to net 100,000 of each resource from an inactive planet within that time span.

This is the very definition of tedium. Show me someone who devotes their day to doing this, and I will show you someone who's hopped up on goofballs and very, very bored.
Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.
Ní féidir maraigh tú an Dullahan
Níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis.

Re: Probes on attack fix

Nuada wrote:Are farms honestly so very scarce?

One realistically requires from one to two minutes to complete a probe raid/

One must invest nearly 200 million crystal in Standard to get the 60,000 probes needed merely to net 100,000 of each resource from an inactive planet within that time span.

This is the very definition of tedium. Show me someone who devotes their day to doing this, and I will show you someone who's hopped up on goofballs and very, very bored.
there are a few that do this and find it profitable but yes the time involved would be too much for me i myself have a huge amount of probes but this is for defencive reasons
Dont fear death welcome it...

Re: Probes on attack fix

Correct me if i'm wrong, but don't probes already have no actual cargo capacity?
20 GP
The Trouble Maker
As Swift as the Wind that carries the Sand comes your DEATH

Omega Class Thank You to Devola/Gale for this super amazing sig.

Re: Probes on attack fix

Curiously, one cannot transport resources with them - but one can (at least for now) collect resources while raiding. In Standard - 30,000 probes can net up to 50,000 of each resource
Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.
Ní féidir maraigh tú an Dullahan
Níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis.

Re: Probes on attack fix

Nuada wrote:Are farms honestly so very scarce?

One realistically requires from one to two minutes to complete a probe raid/

One must invest nearly 200 million crystal in Standard to get the 60,000 probes needed merely to net 100,000 of each resource from an inactive planet within that time span.

This is the very definition of tedium. Show me someone who devotes their day to doing this, and I will show you someone who's hopped up on goofballs and very, very bored.
Well, it's been a month or so since Logged ,with the help of GoD, decided to build probes and use them for raiding. He has almost a mil now , which just means that he's too obsessed with this game imo :mrgreen:
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Probes on attack fix

harry admitted himself that he does it and thinks he deserves to do so just because he can.

the two arguments that stands out are

probe raiding really skims the planets res thin.

and you cannot transfer with probes then why u can raid with them?
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Probes on attack fix

SPY wrote:harry admitted himself that he does it and thinks he deserves to do so just because he can.

the two arguments that stands out are

probe raiding really skims the planets res thin.

and you cannot transfer with probes then why u can raid with them?
And yet the question remains, why, if this form of raiding is so vastly superior, is everyone in every universe not doing it? And don't bring honourable play into it, half the people in this game would shove a knife in their own friends back for a good fleet crash, so that is not the answer.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Probes on attack fix

Istalris wrote:
SPY wrote:harry admitted himself that he does it and thinks he deserves to do so just because he can.

the two arguments that stands out are

probe raiding really skims the planets res thin.

and you cannot transfer with probes then why u can raid with them?
And yet the question remains, why, if this form of raiding is so vastly superior, is everyone in every universe not doing it? And don't bring honourable play into it, half the people in this game would shove a knife in their own friends back for a good fleet crash, so that is not the answer.
the time involved is why i do not and ur right about your honor comment
Dont fear death welcome it...