CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG


I thought I would kick this off with a few small ones. All hits were on seperate planets so there was no violating the bashing rule.

SquirrelOnCrack Vs Wormkiller

Attacker Loss: 2.655.000 Defender Loss:47.593.850
winnings Metal:580.987 Crystal:260.402 Deuterium:1.854.116
Debris Metal:18.550.110 Crystal:10.673.100

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.312.650
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:197.390 Deuterium:85.070
Debris Metal:326.490 Crystal:429.900

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.654.500
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:170.424 Deuterium:95.734
Debris Metal:403.200 Crystal:589.500

Attacker Loss: 60.000 Defender Loss:1.198.200
winnings Metal:249.500 Crystal:153.826 Deuterium:172.778
Debris Metal:264.720 Crystal:490.200

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:907.850
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:192.583 Deuterium:9.597
Debris Metal:233.610 Crystal:311.100

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.264.500
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:162.351 Deuterium:46.068
Debris Metal:326.700 Crystal:432.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:918.650
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:162.424 Deuterium:77.654
Debris Metal:198.240 Crystal:352.950

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.515.100
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:151.423 Deuterium:173.958
Debris Metal:339.360 Crystal:558.600

Attacker Loss: 60.000 Defender Loss:1.142.800
winnings Metal:249.500 Crystal:189.818 Deuterium:231.856
Debris Metal:280.380 Crystal:363.300

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.483.800
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:166.059 Deuterium:34.548
Debris Metal:375.480 Crystal:514.800

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.498.400
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:165.885 Deuterium:18.430
Debris Metal:383.640 Crystal:515.400

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.335.550
winnings Metal:245.567 Crystal:232.317 Deuterium:36.806
Debris Metal:333.030 Crystal:468.300

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.304.100
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:145.860 Deuterium:26.008
Debris Metal:328.860 Crystal:453.600

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.189.150
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:250.000 Deuterium:29.505
Debris Metal:322.590 Crystal:390.900

TD inflicted on ~V~: 2.77M
TD inflicted on AZG: 64.312M

Re: CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG


I launched on frouz, then he came online and sent his little fleet at me:

frouz [AZG] Vs Squirrel [~V~] Ninja

The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 3.255.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 97.350 units.
A debris field containing 1.269.510 units of Metal and 731.100 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %

I let the attack go through anyway since deut was spent

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:15.415.500
winnings Metal:349 Crystal:513 Deuterium:444
Debris Metal:1.500 Crystal:15.000

Squirrel Vs Defiant:

Attacker Loss: 110.000 Defender Loss:9.716.350
winnings Metal:818 Crystal:365 Deuterium:177
Debris Metal:47.310 Crystal:143.100

Squirrel Vs libe:

Attacker Loss: 580.000 Defender Loss:8.125.950
winnings Metal:250.469 Crystal:126.133 Deuterium:84.260
Debris Metal:2.033.970 Crystal:1.280.100

Squirrel Vs figment:

Attacker Loss: 480.000 Defender Loss:4.127.500
winnings Metal:825.000 Crystal:825.000 Deuterium:506.934
Debris Metal:978.000 Crystal:664.500

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:3.677.000
winnings Metal:825.000 Crystal:550.000 Deuterium:517.695
Debris Metal:165.000 Crystal:232.500

TD inflicted on ~V~: 4.037M
TD inflicted on AZG: 108.627M

Re: CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Squirrel Vs Starr

Attacker Loss: 120.000 Defender Loss:8.128.400
winnings Metal:309.362 Crystal:134.425 Deuterium:97.415
Debris Metal:559.740 Crystal:297.300

Defender came on and moved his fleet for this one but hey...

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:8.768.950
winnings Metal:510.633 Crystal:258.509 Deuterium:904.534
Debris Metal:1.470 Crystal:12.900

TD inflicted on ~V~: 4.157M
TD inflicted on AZG: 125.523M

Re: CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Defiant-AZG (Attacker) vs Wildfire328~V~ (Defender)

The attacker has lost a total of 49.050.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 11.576.500 units.
A debris field containing 21.141.600 units of Metal and 8.313.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 20 %
A moon has formed around the planet [x:xx:x] !

The attacker has lost a total of 750.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 0 units.
A debris field containing 225.000 units of Metal and 225.000 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 4

TD inflicted on ~V~: 15.733M
TD inflicted on AZG: 175.323M

1 WARNING. DELETING MODERATIONS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Any further offenses by you will result in a ban, you have been warned. - Istalris

Re: CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Defiant vs Wildfire

The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 543780 units of Metal, 609320 units of Crystal and 491922 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 1.867.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 17.430.500 units.
A debris field containing 570.600 units of Metal and 576.600 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet
Full DF recovered!

Had a oops on the first 1 because esp report said no defenses, but rectified it and got whole DF

TD inflicted on ~V~: 33.164M
TD inflicted on AZG: 177.190M

I took the liberty. ;) - Istalris

Re: CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Niso-~V~ (Attacker) vs Xeedoo-AZG (Defender)

Defender moved his fleet on this one….

Attacker Loss: 7.549.000 Defender Loss:12.489.000
winnings Metal:1.979 Crystal:674 Deuterium:293.517
Debris Metal:2.268.600 Crystal:2.336.700

So I waited….

Attacker Loss: 17.111.000 Defender Loss:65.974.400
winnings Metal:71.255 Crystal:68.790 Deuterium:401.582
Debris Metal:25.819.890 Crystal:12.889.350

No moons formed

TD inflicted on ~V~: 57.824M
TD inflicted on AZG: 255.653M

Re: CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Lord of War ~V~ vs APA (AZG)

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:3.539.300
winnings Metal:996.302 Crystal:454.461 Deuterium:325.466
Debris Metal:537.480 Crystal:440.100

Lord of War ~V~ vs Kilox (AZG)

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.738.550
winnings Metal:1.083.333 Crystal:219.075 Deuterium:351.509
Debris Metal:156.180 Crystal:175.350

The rest of these are all individual hits on Khnuf (AZG) I didnt hit the same planet twice because of defences. Lets just say splitting your fleet in between all your planets is not gonna save ya.

Attacker Loss: 1.010.000 Defender Loss:10.006.050
winnings Metal:307.728 Crystal:54.283 Deuterium:129.367
Debris Metal:3.182.280 Crystal:1.664.850

Attacker Loss: 230.000 Defender Loss:9.933.800
winnings Metal:908.448 Crystal:102.811 Deuterium:242.709
Debris Metal:996.930 Crystal:530.850

Attacker Loss: 1.020.000 Defender Loss:7.492.800
winnings Metal:512.417 Crystal:46.998 Deuterium:35.292
Debris Metal:2.001.630 Crystal:945.150

Attacker Loss: 600.000 Defender Loss:7.153.250
winnings Metal:614.705 Crystal:307.830 Deuterium:134.960
Debris Metal:2.204.400 Crystal:1.144.050

Attacker Loss: 1.230.000 Defender Loss:6.101.250
winnings Metal:304.605 Crystal:49.189 Deuterium:84.136
Debris Metal:1.983.300 Crystal:1.111.950

Attacker Loss: 1.010.000 Defender Loss:7.555.700
winnings Metal:510.477 Crystal:313.795 Deuterium:112.277
Debris Metal:1.121.370 Crystal:806.550

Attacker Loss: 660.000 Defender Loss:5.178.850
winnings Metal:445.675 Crystal:277.935 Deuterium:105.213
Debris Metal:1.198.560 Crystal:875.250

Attacker Loss: 720.000 Defender Loss:6.680.200
winnings Metal:486.369 Crystal:493.938 Deuterium:73.751
Debris Metal:2.113.770 Crystal:1.151.850

Attacker Loss: 540.000 Defender Loss:4.386.550
winnings Metal:348.365 Crystal:113.171 Deuterium:138.540
Debris Metal:609.630 Crystal:669.300

Attacker Loss: 1.130.000 Defender Loss:5.203.900
winnings Metal:798.119 Crystal:723.944 Deuterium:251.608
Debris Metal:1.647.090 Crystal:942.750

Attacker Loss: 590.000 Defender Loss:6.307.800
winnings Metal:684.987 Crystal:67.170 Deuterium:181.598
Debris Metal:1.404.780 Crystal:843.900

Attacker Loss: 360.000 Defender Loss:6.189.800
winnings Metal:130.145 Crystal:779.635 Deuterium:140.051
Debris Metal:1.134.330 Crystal:775.050

Attacker Loss: 660.000 Defender Loss:6.626.250
winnings Metal:1.011.167 Crystal:60.497 Deuterium:74.376
Debris Metal:1.880.100 Crystal:874.350

Attacker Loss: 1.010.000 Defender Loss:7.989.300
winnings Metal:490.642 Crystal:190.103 Deuterium:185.330
Debris Metal:1.945.380 Crystal:1.319.700

Attacker Loss: 1.190.000 Defender Loss:9.571.550
winnings Metal:758.367 Crystal:437.629 Deuterium:264.060
Debris Metal:2.667.030 Crystal:2.266.800

Attacker Loss: 1.095.000 Defender Loss:8.391.800
winnings Metal:242.104 Crystal:105.685 Deuterium:63.188
Debris Metal:1.530.330 Crystal:1.369.050

Attacker Loss: 120.000 Defender Loss:2.768.250
winnings Metal:473.833 Crystal:121.730 Deuterium:86.185
Debris Metal:373.500 Crystal:415.650

Attacker Loss: 1.240.000 Defender Loss:8.736.500
winnings Metal:803.447 Crystal:296.316 Deuterium:185.293
Debris Metal:2.532.750 Crystal:1.597.650

Attacker Loss: 905.000 Defender Loss:6.914.500
winnings Metal:1.342.733 Crystal:320.614 Deuterium:744.943
Debris Metal:1.582.650 Crystal:1.403.550

All Df recovered from these hits.

~V~ TD 73.144M
(AZG) TD 394.108M
Only the dead have seen the end of war. ~Plato

Re: CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Squirrel Vs libe:

Attacker Loss: 8.075.000 Defender Loss:110.688.250
winnings Metal:111.836 Crystal:67.762 Deuterium:397.585
Debris Metal:35.582.550 Crystal:23.940.900

No moon, DF covered

~V~ TD 81.219M
AZG TD 504.796M

Re: CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Squirrel Vs Stardust

Attacker Loss: 60.000 Defender Loss:3.053.000
winnings Metal:589.252 Crystal:594.631 Deuterium:341.256
Debris Metal:42.000 Crystal:126.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:3.574.500
winnings Metal:384.728 Crystal:477.929 Deuterium:550.000
Debris Metal:8.700 Crystal:87.000

Attacker Loss: 60.000 Defender Loss:4.892.000
winnings Metal:999.500 Crystal:167.037 Deuterium:258.645
Debris Metal:36.000 Crystal:66.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:3.719.500
winnings Metal:287.129 Crystal:380.159 Deuterium:470.512
Debris Metal:12.000 Crystal:120.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.155.000
winnings Metal:500.000 Crystal:499.432 Deuterium:278.606
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:2.018.000
winnings Metal:608.647 Crystal:362.080 Deuterium:283.001
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:4.853.500
winnings Metal:265.334 Crystal:477.180 Deuterium:550.000
Debris Metal:144.600 Crystal:231.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:2.111.500
winnings Metal:1.000.000 Crystal:769.806 Deuterium:365.425
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:5.296.500
winnings Metal:358.428 Crystal:171.611 Deuterium:404.648
Debris Metal:345.000 Crystal:315.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:4.648.250
winnings Metal:315.818 Crystal:531.093 Deuterium:278.591
Debris Metal:9.150 Crystal:91.500

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:4.354.000
winnings Metal:373.974 Crystal:436.940 Deuterium:703.196
Debris Metal:12.000 Crystal:120.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:4.513.500
winnings Metal:322.398 Crystal:629.902 Deuterium:938.131
Debris Metal:12.000 Crystal:120.000

~V~ TD 81.279M
AZG TD 548.982M

Re: CRs ONLY: ~V~ -Vs- AZG

Squirrel Vs Darthvictivous:

Attacker Loss: 4.625.000 Defender Loss:192.833.600
winnings Metal:235.299 Crystal:1.113.085 Deuterium:924.990
Debris Metal:23.417.160 Crystal:11.404.200

Attacker Loss: 890.000 Defender Loss:10.372.500
winnings Metal:177.582 Crystal:362.240 Deuterium:118.547
Debris Metal:984.000 Crystal:3.537.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:7.354.600
winnings Metal:100.788 Crystal:107.942 Deuterium:30.426
Debris Metal:363.960 Crystal:330.600

Attacker Loss: 60.000 Defender Loss:1.546.650
winnings Metal:499.500 Crystal:499.500 Deuterium:60.892
Debris Metal:492.990 Crystal:471.000

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:8.919.650
winnings Metal:265.255 Crystal:202.050 Deuterium:29.034
Debris Metal:461.490 Crystal:465.900

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:9.917.850
winnings Metal:452.677 Crystal:521.871 Deuterium:62.910
Debris Metal:203.310 Crystal:210.600

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:383.450
winnings Metal:250.000 Crystal:29.132 Deuterium:94.628
Debris Metal:43.770 Crystal:113.700

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:8.937.800
winnings Metal:448.666 Crystal:446.190 Deuterium:63.938
Debris Metal:225.180 Crystal:226.800

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:11.267.100
winnings Metal:302.509 Crystal:209.067 Deuterium:75.510
Debris Metal:247.560 Crystal:248.100

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:5.762.000
winnings Metal:432.892 Crystal:343.174 Deuterium:24.408
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:9.965.000
winnings Metal:865.239 Crystal:686.033 Deuterium:48.789
Debris Metal:235.500 Crystal:249.000

~V~ TD 86.854M
AZG TD 816.237M