Re: "V" mode

Enable vacation mode
Minimum time between VM: 48 hours
To enter you must not produce/construct/research anything and must not have any fleets in air.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: "V" mode

Vmode has no maximum limit, so long as you continue to login occassionally your account will stay in the system. As for fairness, it has built-in limitations that balance it out.
20 GP
The Trouble Maker
As Swift as the Wind that carries the Sand comes your DEATH

Omega Class Thank You to Devola/Gale for this super amazing sig.

Re: "V" mode

vmoded players can go inactive from "i" to "I". and eventually get deleted given that they never get online after going vmode. Unless you have 50 rubies in your account which will ensure your account will last forever unless it is a time limit server.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: "V" mode

First. If somebody has no intention to play again, using "v" mode is against the game itself. Second and so play a game, any, is an active act, losing or wining is part of it. There is already a rule. After 45 days as inactive you are out. Why not somebody who is in "V" mode for more than that. And sorry fair to be in "V" mode and have a second account? There are inactive players for a long time ( see for example steadyhand ) coming back, finding planets empty of any def., first target for riders etc. Let me ask you..hwo deserve as bonus a bit respect: steadyhand or cutura . For me steadyhand, 100 %. How the noob-noobs are growing !...riding the inactives, farming them. And by the many players are realy playing today and how many are in "V" mode?
I am not against "V" mode. I am only against UNLIMITED time in "V" mode.
Sorry for my poor English.

Re: "V" mode

I still dont see your point, sorry.
If someone who is in vmode dont login at all, his account WILL be deleted(unless he has 50 rubies or more ofc).
And If they ARE checking in, it means they want to come back one day.
When someone (like your steadyhand friend) leave without going blue, its his fault not those who used this option and saved their fleet/res.
Plus, if someone get a new acc and dont give his previous one to somebody else. The first one will get banned if i'm not wrong.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” -Rumi

Re: "V" mode

"his account WILL be deleted(unless he has 50 rubies or more ofc)"

my point...mate! I was asking just about a simple rule regarding that WILL be deleted, IF then WHEN.( if they are not checking in.. for how long time ?)
Steadyhand ...was just an example, I have never had even a message with him. or with cutura...they are for me same like you are, we just have a bit fun online and I hope I didn't offended anyone. If I did I apologise.