Re: Probes on attack fix

To be clear I also believe no change is needed. You can block a probe raid with 1 probe or 1 turret. This is a nonissue unless you are lazy to defend your resources.
If a change is going to be made I think the only option acceptable would be Istalris' idea.

Re: Probes on attack fix

Zorg wrote:Following your suggestion, although a bit premature, I started this topic.

I agree with the change, was just hoping for an open discussion on the implementation. I know Massacre is the developers playground, but it doesn't hurt to take into consideration the playerbases opinion when it comes to the overall impact on the game. We have gone through this before.. i.e. the phalanx "fix" in order to solve fleetsaving to slot 15 moons. Was just hoping to avoid a similar situation.

That being said, I am comfortable with either Ista's idea, or Gozars idea. They both seem to solve the issue without impacting the rest of the gameplay a great deal.

Re: Probes on attack fix

what is this ... where does this thread come from...?

I totally disagree with any attempt to reduce the ability of any ship to attack/defend...

I have raided with probes in the past and fail to see what is the problem... with that..
why can you not attack with just recyclers as well... they are certainly effecrive when combined with a probe as a raiding force...

please explain why anyone would think that a attack with any type of ship should be disallowed....

probes suffer from the same maths as any other ship type ... weak offence/defense /low cargo/high fuel cost

yet there are scenarios/ situations where they are the optimal solution....

also since the cost of a probe differs between universes , of course the relative economy of their use differs significantly between the universes...

Just S N A R L & LEAP

"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.

Re: Probes on attack fix

i can't believe that all the implications of a change to disallow esp attacks has been forseen ....

has the affect on moon defense systems been, estimated?
what happens to fleet saves...?

and really can someone properly point me at the tread/item which started all this nonesense...
this discussion starts in mid air from my viewpoint ... where is the initail thread that admin is reponding too .. to be found?
Just S N A R L & LEAP

"to crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet -- to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best." G.K.

Re: Probes on attack fix

lowfatspread wrote:
why can you not attack with just recyclers as well... they are certainly effecrive when combined with a probe as a raiding force...

LOL.....Istalris +1 :D

Re: Probes on attack fix

After reading 3 pages of, When probes attack. Look out they might be coming to a system near you. LOL But seriously. I like Istalris Ideal +1.

Re: Probes on attack fix

I'm a seeing a lack of trolling in this thread. Tsk, tsk.

+1 for Ista's idea, if only just so I can attempt more Moonshots on 1% chances.
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Probes on attack fix

ista idea is like this cargo and deut zero
then tell me how you will move spy probes
or use them for ms
in standard if you use for rading if you lucky to build 60 000 probes
you are king to raid inactive players with zero defense.
let me ask you all
example :
a have 2 planets on one a have build 4000 probes and enemy find it so he decided to attack a dont have resurses to build any others ship because a spend it on probes
a cant move probes at all
easy target for fleeters
many players build about 10 or 35 probes some build even 100 of them
so if we cant move them the are easy targets for fleeters
why you come anyways to idea to change probes at all

why you dont change then LF too because the are used as fodder too
you should work on recyclers instead increase cargo and increase deut thats better then this
thats all a have to say
farewell :think:

Code: Select all

Re: Probes on attack fix

Pein wrote:well am out
RL killed me it was fun when lasted
now a will only come to see yours fighting on forum lol....
in game playing nope
Thanks for my great members in our older allaince Phoenix Legends ho was with me all time
see ya

don't know why you are so interested if you are withdrawing.
Pein wrote:ista idea is like this cargo and deut zero
then tell me how you will move spy probes
or use them for ms
in standard if you use for rading if you lucky to build 60 000 probes
you are king to raid inactive players with zero defense.
let me ask you all
example :
a have 2 planets on one a have build 4000 probes and enemy find it so he decided to attack a dont have resurses to build any others ship because a spend it on probes
a cant move probes at all
easy target for fleeters
many players build about 10 or 35 probes some build even 100 of them
so if we cant move them the are easy targets for fleeters
why you come anyways to idea to change probes at all
Ista's idea is that the cargo capacity And fuel cost be zero. Meaning you would still be able to move them, they just would not be able to hold cargo. So they would be useless in raids, but effective as fodder and for moonshots. and you would still be able to fleetsave them.

Re: Probes on attack fix

Not really sure why this is under discussion.. but I think it should be left alone... other than doing MS and maybe used as Fodder.. I can't Imagine any threat from Probes that warrant a change in how they can be used.
I am pretty sure many of the suggestions already adopted..could be implemented.. instead of looking for new stuff to do. :shock: