Re: drlot[AZGD] vs sprog{AZGD] retirement hit TD: 23.725.563

This game never ceases to baffle me..first Lot retires by feeding his fleet to his Ally(Fleetcrashing)
Then afterwards account is (vb).. no wonder Player Base withers.... then adding the Thing "we don't discuss in Public.."
I wonder why any but the Hugest Players even bother staying. :naughty:

also since this was a set-up FleetCrash.. no Kudo's should be issued in HoF as it is not deserving. :hand:


Re: drlot[AZGD] vs sprog{AZGD] retirement hit TD: 23.725.563

All was done within the rules of Zorg ......DrLot wanted to go out with a bang as is his perogative. If he chooses his own alliance to do this then once again it is his perogative as was posting the hit by way of a farewell . Any account that retires a fleet is instantly given the (VB) status and after a given time the account is then deleted. It implies there was more to the story but there isn''s just how Zorg do these things.....and if everyone thinks I got the entire d/f (and all his res) to spend at will then once again they are misinformed....but that's neither here nor there. Hope that clears that one up :D