Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

Contruga , you got hit . It happens . RL ***** anyway , and i feel you bro , i`m on the same page with rent money and stuff.
logged - you did you revenge hit , good for you , be sportish about it , doesn`t matter if you like or not Con , and im sure you like him in a bad way , that way that wanna make you go after him day and night after that epic ninja he did on you.I congratulated you for the hit , as you should GLOTR con , he deserved that without second thinking.Arrogange makes ppl look weak . Insulting each other doesn`t make any sense , and it can go on and on and on

S**t happens , fleets get destroyed , fleets get rebuild , and the race is ongoing.
HELLBOY / Cristi

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

Kristal wrote:Contruga , you got hit . It happens . RL ***** anyway , and i feel you bro , i`m on the same page with rent money and stuff.
logged - you did you revenge hit , good for you , be sportish about it , doesn`t matter if you like or not Con , and im sure you like him in a bad way , that way that wanna make you go after him day and night after that epic ninja he did on you.I congratulated you for the hit , as you should GLOTR con , he deserved that without second thinking.Arrogange makes ppl look weak . Insulting each other doesn`t make any sense , and it can go on and on and on

S**t happens , fleets get destroyed , fleets get rebuild , and the race is ongoing.
Very well said, quite smurfy
I'll hit you so smurfin' hard it'll feel like you smurfed a freight train

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

Sorry to hear about your troubles con. Get RL straight, and then return to us at your leisure. If one thing you can bank on zorg being here when you return.

Every time I see this d-bag logged, queen of the noobs running his mouth, I like to revisit this here link: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=10274&hilit=logged

Don't expect sportsmanship from this troll, for he knows none. Every fleet he has ever built has been crashed, and its just a matter of time before this one does.

Glotr contruga when u return.

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

Spot on there Harry!!!!Just read that link you posted aswell, funny as......and about building accounts from scratch without boosts and "help".....LOL.....the day LoGoDed does that and crashes a fleet (without gloating) then maybe, MAYBE, I'll say like hell I will! Tainted accounts everywhere. Spoke to Contruga and he will return and this hit was just a glitch....a bit like all the ones LoGoDed kept having ;)