logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

Ok this is a known story everyone knows how much i hate HC members because what they are not good players anyway :-j....so i don't have more to say about this hit just one thing i promised you contruga that i will crash your remaining fleet even if i will hunt you 1 more month well it isn't even the end of this month and i crashed your entire fleet now plus follow ups :-k....so here is the hit i lost more then i expected too but for a fast hit you need to risk it :P....i lost 6k lunars but i will build 3 times more with the ress get it from him and from the entire DF that now i will recycle it all of it .....

Attacker Loss: 758.800.000 Defender Loss:3.590.450.600
winnings Metal:27.136.847 Crystal:63.442.828 Deuterium:30.666.919
Debris Metal:1.357.160.160 Crystal:1.252.390.200

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:13.568.423 Crystal:31.721.414 Deuterium:15.333.459
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:6.784.212 Crystal:15.860.707 Deuterium:7.666.730
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:0
winnings Metal:3.392.106 Crystal:7.930.354 Deuterium:3.833.365
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0

You collect; 999.000.000 units of Metal and 999.000.000 units of Crystal.
You collect; 358.160.400 units of Metal and 253.523.000 units of Crystal.

Thx HC member one more down ....
No Glotr to a player like you don't deserve it at all ..
And he knows why and the entire HC knows it too and now they will post rude comments about me that is the only thing at what they are good to talk crap about big players if they can't keep them on their side they will try and eliminate them with help from they know who not with a fleet anyway :-j...
ING Names : logged

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Feed me more!

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

so the rumours are true.....MrArrogant crashed a player who hardly plays anymore. Well hopefully u will now stop accusing everyone in HC of account sitting for him. LoGoDed as you are now known (seeing as GoD has to do all your dirty washing and homework for you) maybe u could try and be a little more graceful rather than gloating about things.....but no u can't can u. I know for a fact that Contruga has far more pressing issues to attand to than just playing a game.....not all here are obsessed as you are about getting to the top at any costs (...and I mean ANY) Enjoy the spoils....maybe that will make up for your losses lol.....and ftr LoGoDed I have no reason to be rude....I use facts instead :D

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

logged wrote:
Thx HC member one more down ....
No Glotr to a player like you don't deserve it at all ..
And he knows why and the entire HC knows it too and now they will post rude comments about me that is the only thing at what they are good to talk crap about big players if they can't keep them on their side they will try and eliminate them with help from they know who not with a fleet anyway :-j...
Not rude comments, i just would like to know what you mean with this.
If you want to say something , just say it. Because i don't understand what you mean, but then again...i'm just stupid me thinks :mrgreen:
Please clarify..
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

Persian i don't even know who you are so I'm assuming a **** noob iv crashed, how the **** do you figure I'm a spy btw when i have been in hc since it was founded? Trust someone to compliment loggod to be just as much a witless wonder.

As for u logged, in the pm i sent you, I said 'congrats mate, was just signing on to tell alliance to have free aim at my fleet as i have just lost my home, nice hit enjoy the game' so stop being such an arrogant tit, stop sending me pms calling me jackal n all this crap, i decided to quit the game a few hours before you hit me but was busy trying to borrow enough money to Get my land lord let me stay another month.

As for all your hype at hitting me a member of hc and fleeter with the biggest hit/Ninja that was so well pulled off you got half the sever thinking i had to cheat to do itapparently with the backing of the whole alliance (whoever first thought that's what happened is such an idiot..oh Ye that was u again).. Sorry to ruin your hype mate but that player was named contruga, i changed my name n left Hc because its a fleeting alliance n i was having these rl issues of getting kicked out my home so only had time to play as a miner, complete basics, poor f/s the works, when I actually play again ill change my name to contruga n I'f u crash me then ill beimpressed n let you enjoy your glory but fat Tony enjoys his mines n as such I been basically waiting to lose it since October 24th, not alot to be proud about disarming a noob playing miner of his fleet taking 3 months to do it, so the arrogance needs to come to a stop like mad coz I'membarrassed for you at how your mistaken, especially with you believing hc can't play, like you ever have or ever will have a chance of getting their top fleeters.

Sorry to rant, just think your mate dog (coz he really is backwards in everything) is a complete ****ing C*** to send PMS laughing at how sometimes lost their home when this is just a bloody game. I'm only just turned 19, especially after my pm to you u thought you'd be a bigger man than to say 'no glotr to a player like you' player like me? You mean, raid in my spare time kick your arse like a pro then play 5 min a day when I find time to lift it? What does player like you mean ffs? What player do you think I am logged? Can't believe you wouldn't even drop a note to say 'understand your in hard times (arrogant ' but i did say id get u' bull s***) glotr n gl in life but no Safe to say you live up to your name in rl n game, just a big Pile of ****.

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

Well put Contruga...hope all starts going in your favour for once....been a tough few months for you I know......maybe LoGoDed and his pet GoD will one day have no-where to live and have to struggle in life. Even if that did happen I would never stoop as low as they did with their derogatory messages. Showing their true colours again without one ounce of humanity between them.......as and when u are settled down Contruga I expect you will return...........so a huge GLOTR and (more importantly) huge good luck in real life.

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

First of all i want like your offend to me when you called me an idiot and many more to be punished second at all i posted this before your pm to me and how i said i will never trust your word again but if you say the truth about your situation i am not an heartless human i am feeling sorry for your situation and if you will come back and play well i will say Glotr now the message in the first post was about your words and what you did long time ago.....and jackal i don't think i ever mocking your name so stop mocking mine ok?..and how contruga, faceless and others from HC are your friends so God is with me if God is how you said then the entire HC are your pet's right? :)))=)))))...omg ....and i hope it will be only comments about the hit ....
ING Names : logged

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Feed me more!

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

Stop ranting, Con!
So what if he got your fleet?
So what if he reacted the way he did to your PM about you getting kicked out of your home?
You noob, he need not care about that...
He need not act like a humane fellow and wish you good luck during this sh*tty situation you're in atm...
You left your fleet down whilst almost becoming homeless, good for you!!!!
Who cares if you have a hard time finding your way in Real Life atm?
They don't!
Zorg counts, nothing else and do not dare deny that!
Leave if you wish, try to sort out RL if you wish, try to reach a few goals in RL but do not whine if Zorg (Logged, that is) defleets you and then harasses you in forum while you already told him you hit bottom in RL!
Do not say that this game is just a bunch of pixels and that RL is 1000X more important , no no no!
You are my friend and i will only say this: no GlotR in Zorg, that's the last thing you should concentrate on now but GlotR in RL , as that's what really matters and not a foolish game where others don't even sleep just to crash a few imaginary ships :ugeek:
I advice you to go blue and sort out RL...Return when you're situation is stable , doesn't matter when...Even after a year if necessary ..
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

This will probably get me at least a warning, but i need to post this.
This should not go to Admin, no ...this PM should be read by all!
Logged says he's not a heartless person, well i wonder what he'll say about GoD !!!
This is what this person has to say about Con's situation...Well spoken GoD, you must be very proud of yourself ..

Tue 29 Jan 2013, 19:17:30 GoD_of_Unicorns [x:x:x] No subject Reply Chat
his mistake for the homeless part not mine
his mistake for being crashed not mine
his mistake for **** up his life not mine

as harsh as it is its the truth ...i crashed my fleet when it was needed and quit zorg for a while ... if zorg was responsable for it then he should of done the same
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: logged (OLD) vs Fat-Tony (HC) TD : 4,349,250,600

Fair was posted before my pm, my response being something like, lol arrogance gl with plans to get everyone else lol noob.
Sorry for calling you a big pile of ****.
As for all the idiot n noob calling well **** happens n u done that to us as much as we to you so no punishing for past words methinks. Glad someone (well done sin) posted vlads all enlightened message, hardly my fault unemployment his th country n the rate of unemployed teens is only expected to rise.benefits n all this crap. Getting **** over new year etc. I shouldn't have to explain my life to you just so u don't act like a heartless scum laughing at my life, growing a pair over the keyboard, even if king Kong said that to me id give kicking his skull in a go on principle, nothing else to say about u Vlad.

Cheers on the gl's, luckily was hiding some res away which will go towards the basic needs, when playing raider again it shouldn't take to long, as for the hit, quicker launch then I thought id see you Set up, only hour or two after it landed I think, maybe choose fodder other than just probes woulda benefited you better on the chaotic battle engine that is massacre