harryballsac wrote:The point is noob, put up or shut up. I've read your kindergarten rants on here. You talk and you talk, always running your big mouth, but you don't ever launch on myself or my mates other than noob suicide raids. To this day noob, you have launched suicide raids on me 5 times, failing every time. So I call on you caius void of brains and balls, put up some numbers to be proud of or shut your pie hole. That is all.
well a hit that shows good gains to loss ratio no matter the style it is sent etc suicide , is a good hit in my belief . maybe if you'd stand still for a minute or two instead of running for dear life as you proved (launch 5 times and missed) , i would make you eat you're own words . hmm and as for numbers to be proud of ........ are you going blind ? did you overlook the entire bunch of posts i just posted . yet im the noob when you can't add up the totals of the hits . these are not the best of hits but for my level is proud enough . please don't judge harshly.