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The complete guide of where to start

So you just joined Zorg Empire. Where do you do? Finding an alliance is a good place to start. Join a high ranked alliance by clicking "ranking" and then setting the bars at the top to "Alliance, general, 1-100" respectively. Find one that you like and submit an application. They should send you some supplies if you ask the leader. If they don't, consider finding a new alliance.

Now that you've found an alliance, you're on to building. Click the just joined button at the bottom left of your screen and follow it. When you're done, click the technologies button and work towards building a colony ship. To do this you need impulse engine level 3 and ship yard level 4. Getting this is important because you can use it to colonize more planets, up to 21. For more info on colonization click the following link: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=316#p2294

Throughout the game remember to research things. Espionage technology is a good thing to acquire early on.

Now that you have a few planets, people may start raiding you. Build a few minor defences, but DON"T GO OVERBOARD. Remember: the key to a building a successful empire is getting resources. And because you're not yet at a point where you can rely on raiding (attacking), you have to use mines to generate resources. Please note that raiding defenceless inactives will speed up your growth.

Now that your planets are defended, start upgrading your mines. Keep the deuterium mines at 5-8 for a while; you don't need them yet. Remember that even though solar plants seem good, fusion reactors are much more efficient, so use a healthy balance of both. Do NOT use solar sattelites as your main energy generators; they can easily be destroyed.

When your mines are around level 15, you can start doing some REAL raids. Build some cargos and fighting ships. Start espionaging people near you, and attack some that you think you can beat. Raiding will eventually be your main way of getting resources.

As your empire grows, continue to colonize planets, build mines, raid others, and research.
If I missed anything feel free to PM me.
Last edited by Thatguyeric on Sun May 03, 2009 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The complete guide of where to start

Sorry eric, your guide isn't accurate or detailed enough to constitute a sticky. Nice try though. ;)

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: The complete guide of where to start

your guide consists of begging resources from a top alliance before you even begin to build? wow, then your advice on where to start is to click the just joined button on the overview screen?.....this should be posted under things to laugh about i think, as I will be for quite a while, thanks Eric:)

Re: The complete guide of where to start

Spankie, i don't remember asking for your critisisms. This is an easy way to build things without waiting for your mines to generate more resources. I understand if you don't like my methods or you don't think they would work, however there is no need to make fun. If your going to critisize, be constructive. Especially because this isn't real. At the end of the day, we're both just sitting here staring at pixels on a screen.

Re: The complete guide of where to start

lol, you have no idea how much info I have , or have given. And it wasnt a guide, it was a guide to a guide, weeee. I can say, here is a guide to building rockets.. first , get somebody that knows how to build rockets to help you and give you the, get a book and read it...then, follow those instructions...there, I have formally written a guide right?

And btw, i agree with you Thatguyeric, these are pixels on a screen. Have fun everybody.

Re: The complete guide of where to start

Spankie wrote:lol, you have no idea how much info I have , or have given. And it wasnt a guide, it was a guide to a guide, weeee. I can say, here is a guide to building rockets.. first , get somebody that knows how to build rockets to help you and give you the, get a book and read it...then, follow those instructions...there, I have formally written a guide right?
What does this have to do with how aweful my guide is. :lol: You aren't doing a great job at proving your point.

Re: The complete guide of where to start

My apologies as you were posting the same time i was... lemme hold your hand down the road here more specifically. That post was in response to urweirdsaysi, who interestingly enough seems to know more about me that I do myself. Anyways, no sense in going on about it. My last response about this topic which has already been marked as little to no value by others..Again, Have fun in the game!!