Re: where art thou dear fleet crush ?
#11i already new all that god . just thought i'd ask where art though , fleet crasher .

i actually raided legit, but i guess thats too hard for you to believe.and 2 that you only raided 500 mil res after the ninja didact... that means you attacked the poor fellow for res...
not sure how suicide esp will prevent a ninja??? if they have it timed to hit 1-2 secs before the attack its almos impossable to avoid now one way is to scan any bigger players within ninja range to see if a) they have fleet there waiting or b) they have enough deut waiting to launch but this ESP ATTACK WILL NOT HELP IN A NINJA SITUATION IMOshadow2345 wrote:XD, I can believe Didect, he was raiding so much that I wouldn't be surprised if he had more ships then those that he lost. And Chaos, my friend, you failed due to not sending a suicide espi 30 sec before landing to make sure its clear. Hence, you earned the death of your ships.
shadow2345 wrote:XD, I can believe Didect, he was raiding so much that I wouldn't be surprised if he had more ships then those that he lost. And Chaos, my friend, you failed due to not sending a suicide espi 30 sec before landing to make sure its clear. Hence, you earned the death of your ships.
30 sec? oh please try to hit me and think 30 sec is short enough for the safety probe.shadow2345 wrote:And Chaos, my friend, you failed due to not sending a suicide espi 30 sec before landing to make sure its clear.
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