Improving the game - Free for all discussion

Greetings everyone,

A new development era has been scheduled. Most probably this era will start in January and it will last 1 to 3 months.

For those that are new to the way we work in Zorg Empire, we do work in periods on the game development. We are always available for maintenance and administration but new features/improvements are mostly added in these developing periods where we put our main focus on this game. This usually results in huge improvements.

The last time we did so, was in August and the result was the Generals Universe which brought a lot of new elements and an extra approach to the game that has been loved by some.

For this time implementation, we do not currently have a main focus on our schedule and this is what we will primary look to decide through this discussion.

Here are some ideas we currently have:
1)Massacre Engine reform. The new engine will be applied to Massacre universe and will be used in any future universes we launch. Specifically, the reform will target in making the rf less stronger (rf wimp). It will in fact be the first upgrade of this engine and the time is good as Massacre has just become about 13 months old.

2)Assembling the ideas of Generals Universe into a format that will be worthwhile for an everlasting universe. Again, any decided changes will be applied in Massacre and may be used in any future universes.

3)We also got this list:
Which we will be using. Some of these ideas may be incorporated to all existing universes as they are all improvements that do not mess with gameplay.

4)Perhaps Expedition missions reform, for all universes.


What else we are looking for ?
  • Ideas that would extend current strategies
  • Ideas that would help newcomers find their way easier/engage them faster
  • Ideas that would improve control (interface department)
Ship ideas are the most common among the playerbase. So I want to analyze a couple of things regarding them.

Universes that are using Battle Engine 1.1 (X-TREME, Standard, Speed) are using stack to stack RF. This means that extra stacks will imbalance current system and will lead to uncontrollable battles.

The only universe where adding extra ships is not causing havoc in battles, is Massacre, which uses Massacre Engine which in turn uses Ship to Ship RF.

Still, adding new ship types must have a greater cause and extend the strategy somehow. Simply adding a ship that beats all else or a ship that is faster than all else has no meaning: SUCH ships already exist.

Generally, the more ship types, the worse, unless there are specific roles( like we did in Generals universe!). Many ship types sure APPEAL to MOST newcomers but they are harmful to game strategy. Same goes for defence.

We are always more fond on improving current ship types than adding new

Don't be afraid to reveal your thoughts
If you got something really revolutionary in your mind, speak it out. We are capable of coding any of your thoughts and we even want it. The only limitation we have is that your idea must extend current gameplay and not change it.

What is next?
Generally speaking, we want to tweak Massacre universe to an extend that it will be completely different than all three universes. We want to make it like a really improved version that will have extended gameplay, incorporating some of the ideas we had for Generals.

There are many reasons on why massacre is our choice but I would need to write an essay to explain them all. I will just say that we have considered it for a long time and we ended up that this is our best choice right now.

No new universes for now
I want also to inform everyone that there will be no new universes at least till February 2013 while most probably this will be the case till September 2013.

Generals universe re-launch does not count and as I have said before, Generals relaunch will be solely decided by the number of interested players we got (you signup here, at the bottom of the page: if you are interested and have not done so already).

The main reason for not choosing to launch a new universe is that we want to support current universes. In short-term financing, since we ALREADY got the necessary server power, it is far more profitable for us to open a new universe. However this results in an unhappy playerbase in the long term as the danger of creating empty universes in the process is visible. So far, we are doing great as we maintain a 4-year old universe (X-TREME) ACTIVE and ENGAGING.

Playerbase support
Zorg Empire will become 4 years old in 3 months. During this time we have received the support from many players and we would like to thank you.

We have remained true to our word so far and ZE is still around, strong. Our vision is to continue doing so for the decades to come.

Keep this discussion on...
Imagine how a better ZE could be, then write us what we need to do for it.

Re: Improving the game - Free for all discussion

First of all, congratulations for the Dev Team, all improvements and changes the last 4 years made ZE one of the best games of its kind.

I would like to see more players online at the same time so I suggest:

1. Events twice a week
The admin could use some of the long inactive or create one or more colonies with moon and maybe some defenses and fleet, send large amount of resources in 3 to 5 waves, set a fix time to start the hunting.
To be fair we need an Event Ship with low fix speed, each attacking mission need to have at least one Event Ship.

2. Moon Shots to lower ranked players under request
that way we can help our little mates to develop faster and protect their fleet and resources more efficiently.

Re: Improving the game - Free for all discussion

Again great game guys. The balance you've achieved is wonderful. Now to the point.

1. Elite Recycler - I know what you said about new ships, but I do think this is needed simply because of the many thousands of recs needed now. I also still think it shouldn't be a straight improvement, but an alternative. Make it bigger, but slower and with better fuel effenciency.

2. I still LOVE the idea of a civilian concern in the game. It would take time to develop, but would be a whole new layer to the game. I've made posts on this before, but would be happy to elaborate again on request.

3. I like the ruby cost for instant research.

4. I'll also repeat another of my favorite ideas. That being the ability to purchase extra colony slots. It should be expensive, but would be a great income generator. The cost should escalate for each additional colony.

5. The other Ruby idea someon suggested a while back was ability to buy immunity from attack. Once again, it would be a great income generator and frankly I don't think it would mess up the game much. You'd need a few details for fairness. Certainly no out going attack would be possible when activated either.

6. I don't remember if I posted it before, but a deep space mining ability would be nice. It could come in different forms, but the idea is the same. Send ships out to gather res, just like a mine would. Once again, I can expand on this on request.

7. (and last I guess) I think the expeditions can be a good idea, if set up on a slot machine concept. You are trying to hit the lottery and should not be able to use it as a source of income. Most people will not come out ahead over the long run, but a lucky few might hit it big.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: Improving the game - Free for all discussion

You know, I think these discussions about changing the game are almost as fun as the game itself, sometimes. And I agree with the last two about how great this game has become, and how much it has evolved. Now to get to the criticism:
Volpino wrote:First of all, congratulations for the Dev Team, all improvements and changes the last 4 years made ZE one of the best games of its kind.

I would like to see more players online at the same time so I suggest:

1. Events twice a week
The admin could use some of the long inactive or create one or more colonies with moon and maybe some defenses and fleet, send large amount of resources in 3 to 5 waves, set a fix time to start the hunting.
To be fair we need an Event Ship with low fix speed, each attacking mission need to have at least one Event Ship.

2. Moon Shots to lower ranked players under request
that way we can help our little mates to develop faster and protect their fleet and resources more efficiently.
1. I would love to see more people online at the same time, too, but the event Idea just isn't the way to do it. Adding things like this changes the entire aspect of gaming. The amount of resources that it would take to urge people to be online at the same time would be a large amount, and since most active players end up growing larger pretty quick (this would only speed up that progress), the number would have to increase to retain appeal. If this idea was implemented, I do not think the game would be better at all.
Flapper wrote:Again great game guys. The balance you've achieved is wonderful. Now to the point.

1. Elite Recycler - I know what you said about new ships, but I do think this is needed simply because of the many thousands of recs needed now. I also still think it shouldn't be a straight improvement, but an alternative. Make it bigger, but slower and with better fuel effenciency.

2. I still LOVE the idea of a civilian concern in the game. It would take time to develop, but would be a whole new layer to the game. I've made posts on this before, but would be happy to elaborate again on request.

3. I like the ruby cost for instant research.

4. I'll also repeat another of my favorite ideas. That being the ability to purchase extra colony slots. It should be expensive, but would be a great income generator. The cost should escalate for each additional colony.

5. The other Ruby idea someon suggested a while back was ability to buy immunity from attack. Once again, it would be a great income generator and frankly I don't think it would mess up the game much. You'd need a few details for fairness. Certainly no out going attack would be possible when activated either.

6. I don't remember if I posted it before, but a deep space mining ability would be nice. It could come in different forms, but the idea is the same. Send ships out to gather res, just like a mine would. Once again, I can expand on this on request.

7. (and last I guess) I think the expeditions can be a good idea, if set up on a slot machine concept. You are trying to hit the lottery and should not be able to use it as a source of income. Most people will not come out ahead over the long run, but a lucky few might hit it big.
1. That first idea... is actually pretty good. I mean, you couldn't make it as overpowered as the Elite Cargo. But I support this idea.

2. Please elaborate. Do you mean have a "Game suggestions" thread in-game?

3. Already said it, but I'll say it again; I wouldn't care either way if this was implemented. But, if it is, it only seems fair that an option to expand the research quo to three be added.

4. I'm not really a big fan of this idea. I think I agreed with it the first time it was discussed, but as time has progressed, I can understand the HUGE advantage it would give that player over others in the long run. So, for the extra colonies for rubies idea, I for one disprove.

5. "Rubies for attack immunity" I 100% hate this idea. Sorry for the harshness, but this is exactly what I would I would hate to see in a game like zorg. There is a difference between giving players who purchase rubies an advantage, and giving them god-like powers compared to everyone else.

6. Deep space mining would be too much change, yet again. Mines produce plenty enough material, if you need more then you'll have to raid. Don't fix what ain't broke.

7. I don't understand... isn't it already an ability to do expedition missions?
Last edited by Ace on Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Improving the game - Free for all discussion

Keep your ideas coming.

Just a question in the meanwhile for something I am not sure I got correctly:

2. Moon Shots to lower ranked players under request
that way we can help our little mates to develop faster and protect their fleet and resources more efficiently.

Can you elaborate more on the concept of this? What is preventing you now ? You refer to the newbie protection perhaps ?

Re: Improving the game - Free for all discussion

See I agree but I also feel its got monotonous on 1 front if your in top alliances and if your on top No new comer can Match you as he as been playing on the tournament from day 1 or / some one crashed it and left

Can we have a Server which will have a AUTO Reset to zero for after 1 year so people or new comer who comes every one start with 0 and that will be a challenge as new bies have learnt and are ready for a great fight.

It will make the server more interesting and those who have fleets for say about 1 year they are on top have to obivious playing long i agree but to bring them to Equals and in Par with new bies if this reset done this will Have more Fights and new people Might also Stay as they have equal chance.

Just a Thought that Every Server Must have a Reset Time once a Year or Once in 2 Years to make a Fight everyone has to start from scratch.

I have also Found that Recently the Simulator has gone Weird all places what ever u do the Simular and real effect does not match

Some Suggestions and thoughts


EDIT: reposted here in suggestions instead of Generals if Mod wants please remove from the Generals its a Repeat one

Combined the double post ~KM

Re: Improving the game - Free for all discussion

Zorg said:

2. Moon Shots to lower ranked players under request
that way we can help our little mates to develop faster and protect their fleet and resources more efficiently.

Can you elaborate more on the concept of this? What is preventing you now ? You refer to the newbie protection perhaps ?
That's exactly the point: low ranked players do not have the amount of resources sometimes needed to to MS other players in their rank range, the option to remove newbie protection for MS wold be a great plus in the game, I understand ZE is willing for some income as the Rubie Moons are already implemented,therefore a small cost for MS could be set, let's say 2 Rubies per MS, just to show as profitable that will be I can assure that n average of 4 tries is needed it, my record is 35 and we got a 7 k Moon :roll: