To build a shell the first thing you need to consider is what you are trying to protect.
If it is resources, then you need to only build a defensive array that can make raiding your shell unprofitable.
That is an attack on your shell with resources stocked will cost the attacker both duet and fleet loss. Attacker will have to consider the rebuild cost+fuel cost.
Lets take just resource stocking.
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Ideally a raid is always performed with Elite Cargo's. So your defense should keep enough kick to take down a few of them. Mind it a player can only bash 5 times a day on any target. So if the resource howl is not too high usually players try to breach through the shell with 2 to maximum three bashing. So pack enough defense to make the first two bashing costly.
To have this kind of shell you need three sets of defensive array along with fodder.
Light Laser+ION Canon+Plasma Canon with the two Shield Doms.
Your target should be to use ION Canons to save those Plasma Canons on the first round of the battle so that they stays on for the second round. The LLs are particularly Handy cause they pack both attack power and a huge fodder support. Mind it LLs are the most economically effective defense unit.
you have to have a fodder array of Rocket Launchers and Gauss Canons, heavy lasers of no good just build a few so they add to the fodders.
My ideal defense ratio is as follows against RIP/Bomber Attack.
50 LL
2 Gauss
10 Ion
1 PC
with the above u may add the fodders as much as you can possibly make.
so it is always a great idea to have insta built LLs/RLs that way u can spam ur defense instantly right before attack. A proper defense ninja :)
With fleet on board thats a very tricky one. Be warn that there is always a bigger fleet out there that can or will take your shell down.
Fleet+Resource is a bad mix to keep overnight. Even the biggest fleeter+turtles do not keep them around.
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For fleet keep safe your turtle has to counter those Attack fleets RIP/LG/BC/DD. Do have a look in the technology tree and see which of the ships are vulnerable to which units. But do mind one fact, RIPs are vulnerable against LGs but having LGs to defend is a poor choice.
The idea is simple. Build enough fodder to ditter those initial battle rounds (1st or 2nd rounds per attack).
I prescribe the following.
Defense Unit Array:
2 RL
30 LL
1 HL
1 Gauss
5 Ion
4 PC
Defense Fodder Fleet Array:
(Per unit RIP attack)
1000 Probes
200 Light Fighters (Risky, effective only with big size turtles ie: 1.000.000 LLs)
200 Solar Sats (Risky, effective only with big size turtles ie: 1.000.000 LLs)
Now what will you need to kill a single RIP?
Defense Unit Array to kill a single rip:
200 LL
50 Ion
30 PC
The above will not ideally stop a single RIP, its a mass calculation. You have to scale it up for 1000 RIPs and you will see the ratio in working :) The attacker always losses at least 30% of the fleet. ;)
The above fleet stationary on your planet will be a solid wall of defense that will protect your fleet along with the res. (yet no guarantee, cause there is always a bigger fish out there)
So what is the best defense practice?
All the best hybrid in game will say it in one single tune... always build enough to keep your daily production safe. And do fleet save your resource/cargo fleet daily. Fleet safe is the only most effective way to be safe on this game.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.