exreme players universe discussion
#1well i've just created an account on xtreme , i hurd it was the fleeters universe . well when i looked at the ranks to see who all the top alliances and top guns were , i couldn't help but marvel when i seen gozars points !!! dude that's insane !! . Then it struck me , i dont even think purchased 9k moons may save my fleet from that 40 mill whopper of a fleet points he has at his command . To think i felt puny on speed ! i feel 100 times as small now lol . That i must say is a truly insane amount of points and fleet , and just goes to show the tremendous amount of time and work put into the game . Also i can't help but feel sorry for something thats yet to come if i become a big fleeter here on xtreme , it's like a feeling of an hour glass sanding against me .. that it will be all a matter of time before my fleets are eaten by that reckoning force lol. . . if i were to stay .