strong players from top 30 will not be accepted this time reason is the dont listen very well and the think there are better then others.
so this time am looking for just players ho started to train them and players ho play now however dont have alliance right now.
there will be some requirements you need to fill if you wanna join.
Yours point mean nothing to us so players with 1 or 1 mmil points can join in.
1.First is aplication to join alliance: all questions need to be filled that way we will know something about you.
1.insulting anybody around extreme uni with family or something even more worse
- Free moonshoots
- Together working for targets
- Rebuilding moons after MD
- Teaching rules and tips for better survive in extreme uni
a will not accept these players if you are one of them:
1. players ho dont build anything or raid or in one word slacker
2.players ho insult much stronger players for nothing only to provoke them
3.Cry - baby when the lose fleet