Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850

Every now and then look at my fleet and put in my defenses into the simulation battle engine and think that i'm prety much safe. Now I know that I could not be more wrong. 35 billion TD puts it at greater than the total attack TD for more than only a few players in the entire game.

The only thing I might compare it to is the dropping of a thermonuclear bomb being greater than the entire arsenal of all ordanance dropped during all the wars ever before. Even being on the safer side of Gozar's fleet, this hit made me shudder.

Having a big fleet is a good thing, but when you combine that with an ability like Gozar it becomes great. Maybe two or three people in history of the game could pull off a hit like this. Amazing, simply amazing.

GLotR Perses

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850

What to say but... excellent hit!!

I have been watching Glen grow his fleet and anticipated the day he started knocking at my doorstep to challenge my fleet. Wish it was me that took your fleet but maybe next time.

Glad to see both of you are showing great sportsmanship on this hit. It is a well deserved new "Number Four Solo" hit. Enjoy the resources Mark, as I am sure it will go to some more fleet.

Good luck on the rebuild Glen. I would like to hunt your fleet next. ;)

To all the players spouting negative communications: if you don't like all the fleet crashing, find something else to do.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850

One thing I forgot to say in the original post is I did not use one rip in this attack... Not knowing when he could log in I sent Just LG Destroyers and a few BC and fodder...the only RIPS involved where Perses...

Itatchi I rechecked the DF reports and where ever you got that DF from it was not from Perses... besides I can think of no reason for you to post the fact other than to provoke attention to your self... for some unknown reason... my reply is simple "be seeing you."

I would like to add one final comment... Glen what ever the occasion we have always spoke and acted as game friends even though we are enemies on the battlefield... I wish all of us could behave this way more often.

Once again a huge GLOTR.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850

Gozar wrote:I would like to add one final comment... Glen what ever the occasion we have always spoke and acted as game friends even though we are enemies on the battlefield... I wish all of us could behave this way more often.

Once again a huge GLOTR.
Let me set the record straight for everyone, here and now. Mark and I have always acted civil towards one another. But, let me say this "I, at no time, ever had thought that I was safe from you hunting me." You made that fact clear on several occasions :lol: But, what I will say is that you and I have had a love/hate relationship. We both loved the fact that the other had fleet. We also both hated that the other still had their fleet. Don't get me wrong, I know that I could never take his fleet head on. That would be suicide :Doh: But, I was the one responsible for this ... ng#p103057.

When this occurred, Mark did not go flying off the handle, make excuses, or accuse me of cheating. He send a congratz to me and a promise that that would cost me more than it cost him. I guess that came true :oops:

Even though Mark and I are civil towards one another, heck, we even kid around once in a while. :shock: We both have mutual respect, as adversaries and players, for each other.

And again, congratz on capitalizing on my mistake. Enjoy the spoils, for I will be back, and still a thorn in your side Mark. I look forward to the day that you see red on your screen from me again. :dance:
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850

Gozar wrote:One thing I forgot to say in the original post is I did not use one rip in this attack... Not knowing when he could log in I sent Just LG Destroyers and a few BC and fodder...the only RIPS involved where Perses...

Itatchi I rechecked the DF reports and where ever you got that DF from it was not from Perses... besides I can think of no reason for you to post the fact other than to provoke attention to your self... for some unknown reason... my reply is simple "be seeing you."

I would like to add one final comment... Glen what ever the occasion we have always spoke and acted as game friends even though we are enemies on the battlefield... I wish all of us could behave this way more often.

Once again a huge GLOTR.
Hmm could have swore it was from that battle....Oh well =/

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850

Gozar wrote:Big GLOTR Perses, your PM was very polite and sportsman like..
such an arestistic way of saying i am the one you should vow to :P

ohh yeah the big troll is back :lol:

i mean really why you always expect the player getting hit by to say dude u did a big hit? i know i have pmed a few players not that big but whatever smaller scale hits i made i pmed them first that dude u slacked i took. better be me than someone else right? :D

so anyways i see the scenario havent changed a bit. good massive returns on the hit. i see perses is being polite as usual the numero uno guy is still thinking the world is owened by him.. nothing changed.

nice hit and glotr perses.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.