This has been a long time in the making... I have been a little pre occupied with his tracking of times... Got his fleet arrival down to within 15 mins... Following the sportsmanship reply, it turns out I was luckier than I knew... Not only did RL keep him away longer than expected, this gave me enough time to do 3 runs at the DF and a few follow ups.. Perses you have been one of the hardest players for me to hit congrats on that...
Big GLOTR Perses, your PM was very polite and sportsman like..
The attacker has won the battle !
You receive 43.855.046 units of Metal, 17.677.394 units of Crystal and 177.515.810 units of Deuterium.
The attacker has lost a total of 6.955.659.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 28.233.829.850 units.
A debris field containing 11.461.431.660 units of Metal and 9.634.189.650 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:22.020.000
winnings Metal:21.927.523 Crystal:8.838.697 Deuterium:88.757.905
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:16.320.000
winnings Metal:10.963.761 Crystal:4.419.348 Deuterium:44.378.952
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:11.320.000
winnings Metal:5.481.881 Crystal:2.209.674 Deuterium:22.189.476
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:8.320.000
winnings Metal:2.740.940 Crystal:1.104.837 Deuterium:11.094.738
Debris Metal:0 Crystal:0
Before anyone shouts that's bashing,six attacks.. the 1st 5 where on his moon the 6th was his planet..
Attacker Loss: 0 Defender Loss:1.961.461.250
winnings Metal:30.035.332 Crystal:3.138.263 Deuterium:8.070.902
Debris Metal:2.937.300 Crystal:5.004.750
All DF was collected
Huge Glotr Perses...
Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perse[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850
#2Awesome hit there!!!!! Huge spoils from fleet/res there, enjoy!!!! Patience paid in the end. Great to see good sportsmanship still alive and kicking in Extreme Perses so glotr! 

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perse[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850
#3Gozar, again I must congratulate you on this huge hit. I will not make excuses for this, as you said to me a long time ago, "We all have connection problems at sometime during the game." So, it was something like that with me. You and I have always had some good conversations and always you displayed sportsmanship and respect with all of them. Enjoy the spoils of the hit.
GLotR to me.
GLotR to me.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perse[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850
#4wow good Hit Gozar, GLOTR Perses.
nice to see the good sportsmanship is still alive here.
nice to see the good sportsmanship is still alive here.

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850
#6nice hit glotr perses love the sportsmanship i hope we meet someday on the battlefield

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850
#7Big Glotr Perses.
Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850
#84 good fleeters left ... 
Glotr perses
nice hit

Glotr perses
nice hit

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850
#9Again a excellent and well executed attack from one of the masters of this game if not the master!
No disrespect to Pkromm (wishing you all the best bro!) , Torgard, Skirmish, Dr.Lot, Fishpond, Thorr or the other top players I have had the honor to meet since I started in X (July 2009).
I have seen a lot of mocking and disrespectful posts in the forums regarding Gozar. Post of that kind is really low and doesnt belong in this game. I can understand the fear of strong players and especially Gozar, Torgard, Skirmish, Dr.Lot and Pkromm mm. But there is no need to be talk badly about other players out of fear and irritation that they might have crashed your fleet / fleets. This is a war game and casualties must be expected. I have noticed one thing regarding the top players! They have always been very frank and polite in attude and emails when you speak with them. That also goes for a lot of good players that are nearly there but not yet in the legion of Gozar, Torgard etc.
I am not a great player myself but I am able to recognize top players and Gozar is the best I have met. He is also a very nice person and a good friend, I am proud of beeing one of his friends!
I applaud your sportmanship Perses! Taking a hit like that with your attitude is remarkable and everybody could learn from you on that. A huge Glotr to you.
Best wishes from,
No disrespect to Pkromm (wishing you all the best bro!) , Torgard, Skirmish, Dr.Lot, Fishpond, Thorr or the other top players I have had the honor to meet since I started in X (July 2009).
I have seen a lot of mocking and disrespectful posts in the forums regarding Gozar. Post of that kind is really low and doesnt belong in this game. I can understand the fear of strong players and especially Gozar, Torgard, Skirmish, Dr.Lot and Pkromm mm. But there is no need to be talk badly about other players out of fear and irritation that they might have crashed your fleet / fleets. This is a war game and casualties must be expected. I have noticed one thing regarding the top players! They have always been very frank and polite in attude and emails when you speak with them. That also goes for a lot of good players that are nearly there but not yet in the legion of Gozar, Torgard etc.
I am not a great player myself but I am able to recognize top players and Gozar is the best I have met. He is also a very nice person and a good friend, I am proud of beeing one of his friends!
I applaud your sportmanship Perses! Taking a hit like that with your attitude is remarkable and everybody could learn from you on that. A huge Glotr to you.
Best wishes from,
Last edited by BonAqua on Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs Perses[BOSS]~TD~35.189.488.850
#10You collect; 40,000,000 units of Metal and 40,000,000 units of Crystal. Haha glad to know where this came from....
And by the way you didn't get quite all of it...
And by the way you didn't get quite all of it...