Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs matts21[PL] I think his biggest attack y

@Gozar hope all end good in RL.

I dont understand why and how somebody can hate other players. It's just a game, we dont know each other in RL.

Every bad language is written because we are impulsive and emotion people. Everybody can be mad at some point, trick is to handle that and go past that.

We talk bad language only because we are provoked and dont think clearly in some situation at certain time, especially if we respond on given situation right after it happen.

So , stay cool.... and wait few minutes or hours before u respond to any messages.
Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments...

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs matts21[PL] I think his biggest attack y

I for one, have irritated Gozar more than anyone here. Yet we still talk to each as human beings. I set a roamer next to him and welcomes me to the neighborhood by seeing what I am doing. Yet we talk as civil people. I want to crash his entire fleet, but doesn't mean I hate the guy. Let's just say that he and I have a love hate relationship. I would love to crash his fleet while hating to lose mine...and vice versa.
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs matts21[PL] I think his biggest attack y

I would ask matt21 to close this thread...(he deserves his chance to say the last word). I will say that we have now spoken on a more adult level..(both sides) matt has explain some issues and apologised for his remarks.. In my opinion it takes a better man to admit his mistakes and say sorry.. So for me the matter is closed..

Re: Gozar[AZGD] vs matts21[PL] I think his biggest attack y

I lost a fleet a couple of years back to Gozar when I forgot about fleet while playing another game. If nothing else he was very sportsmanlike messaging me before the hit and after. I'd say for most of us it's not a hate thing...more a wary respect. After all it's a war game and at this moment in time he's definitely #1 in Xtreme. There's no need for bad mouthing and disrespect. I'd say you got what you deserved with a bashing matts.