Re: Introducing Zorg Empire GENERALS: A tournament Server

It's good to see some positive energy for this tournament effort. It is truth that I have talked about it with various players in the past who wanted it but we still are uncertain if it will be a success or not. Success will be relevant to the number of people willing to try it and this is where our greatest worry lies.

Regarding the countdown, we can do this but we first want to be sure that we will be able to launch it then. Right now we have implemented the basic layout and some of the features described but the universe is not fully done yet.

We hope to complete all implementations within 3 days so we will be able to proceed with official launch declaration. Once this is done, we will also launch a countdown clock.

We will ensure that there will be a few days time before the launch to give you time to prepare and also alert your friends.

Re: Introducing Zorg Empire GENERALS: A tournament Server

Zorg wrote:
Plus Options:
There will be 10 available options for a total price of 240 rubies which will be sold for $9.99.
This means that for $9.99 one player will be able to get FULL bonuses till the round end.
The only reason for a player to buy more rubies, would be to send to another player.

Here if the full list. Every option can be activated once and lasts till the tournament end.
25% Metal Production for 30 Rubies
25% Crystal Production for 30 Rubies
25% Deuterium Production for 30 Rubies
25% Crystal Production for 30 rubies

Shipyard (Both Defenses and Ships) production time 25% faster for 30 rubies
Buildings production time 25% faster for 25 rubies
Research Speed 25% faster for 25 rubies

Building Queue (+3) for 10 Rubies
Increased Storages size by 25% for 10 Rubies
+50 fields on any newfound planet for 10 Rubies
+1 fleet slot for 10 Rubies
Just for clarification...that should read + 25% Energy (All Planets) instead of Crystal right?

Just imagine how much crystal you could get! :shock:

Chat Administrator ~ 7 Gale Points