Zorg-Related Short Story or Poem:
-All forum rules apply.
-Copyright goes without saying...must be original.
-No longer than a page worth (I don't want to read a novel).
-No minimum (some poems will be shorter than others...sometimes that is better)
-Most include and be shaped around the atmosphere of Zorg.
-No explicit details, major alcohol/drug reference or uber strong language (unless in good taste. I understand that some of these things in a small proportion assist with the mood of the story).
-Images are allowed. Images can either HURT or HELP your story/poem based on how it reflects your work.
-Open for two weeks from today.
1st Place: 500 Rubies and a TBA Prize
2nd Place: 300 Rubies
3rd Place: 200 Rubies
NEW RUBY COMPETITION: 7/20-8/11 (Extended)
#1_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________
__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________
__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________