Re: sleepy

Spy -- Sleepy posted to forums under the Blame account name.

Thank you, Zorg. That is a truly nice gesture.
Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.
Ní féidir maraigh tú an Dullahan
Níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis.

Re: sleepy

Dear ALL

I don't know if you know me but I'm sure some of you still remember me as the former leader of Cerberus , blame or Sleepy as is my best friend in real life and the ex members of Cerberus know that he followed me in the leadership of Cerberus after i stepped down cuz of my health , we all know how did we fight side by side in Cerberus and we got it as the 2nd biggest alliance in game and all of we remember how blame or Sleepy was a wonderful player as he reached the 2nd rank in the game and many of you have seen his great and kind side in the game but today i want to share with you the Real Sleepy or blame , many of you don't know that he is my best friend ever in real life , i knew him very well in real life , he was a great person , very kind and the best friend u could ever have or wish , he was so good father as well , very good to his children he used to get them whatever they ask for and do his best for it . as he used to help everyone here in the game and in real life . in short words he was an angel and i believe that's why we have lost him because there is no place for angels in our evil world .

you all know that im not playing the game any more and this could be the last time for me here espcially because i have lost my friend and i can't be here while he is always offline, I just logged in yesterday to tell everybody about his death and i'm glad that everybody now knows and people have informed people and i would like to thank you all for helping me in this.

I would like to thank you all for your feelings and your words and I will pass all of your feelings and words to his family

Plz Plz I ask everybody here who knew blame or Sleepy or have heard of him or just knew him now I ask you all to pray for him and remember him in your prayers because he is in need now for our prayers and it is the best way to show him our love at the moment

Thank you

Re: sleepy

Well thank you all and I have showed all what you wrote in your private messages to me or in the forum .

Really thank you all for your feelings and your words and Thank you Zorg and many thanks to the alliances who have named their alliances on his name . im so grateful to you all and his family as well

Re: sleepy

thanks " chuck " but really i won't be able to be here without " Sleepy " i can't be here for one moment without him , i just log in here just to reply the people messages i receive about " Sleepy " . thanks a lot " chuck " and it is really good to hear from you and see you here still remember me and my best friend

Re: sleepy

Dear all,
thank you all for your kind remarks about my lost brothers. I registered on this board to post my appreciation.

Sometimes the internet makes us forget that there are people behind those screens, and thank you for reminding me of this.

I know my brother was kind, and I think it reflected in his game, but he really loved winning, god bless his soul. But more than that, he enjoyed people and interacting with them.

Thank you Ataturk, thank you John and everyone else...and thank you to the administrators for keeping my brother's account live.

Long Live Sleepy/Blame.
