Re: Milking&Fleet Crashing on retirement

This has that appearance of having just happened, just moments ago, in Standard - and I'm frankly none too pleased about it.

From an 'inherited' account against an account that sought to have others inherit it.

I firmly believe that, if this hit was a planned crash rather than an ambush, this perverts the game.

Of course, I firmly believe the practice of transferring accounts also perverts the game.
Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.
Ní féidir maraigh tú an Dullahan
Níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis.

Re: Milking&Fleet Crashing on retirement

There is no doubt this is a difficult situation to monitor and inforce. I do, however, believe it should carry a penalty when it is discovered.

If your goal is activity, this kind of thing has to be opposed. The appearance is that Zorg supports a rich gets richer system in which a new player can never compete with the big boys.

Since it's been mentioned, I'm also completely against account transefers for the same reason.

I know that the big accounts earned there way to the top, but that doesn't means the rules and rulings should favor them. Mid point players, say 200k to 3 million, should feel as involved as possible.
Outside the box? What box?

Re: Milking&Fleet Crashing on retirement

Continuing this discussion...

The fact (happened in Massacre Universe):
1)MrSinister declares his retirement on the forums.
2)MrSinister crashes his fleet on Contruga
3)MrSinister (or anyone else who got the account) has continued played.
4)MrSinister account has been banned.

The outcome:
We are considering to remove all earnings from contruga for this particular case.

We are also considering to completely forbid this tactic from now on as we cannot keep policing such accounts over time (we cannot keep track if one has truly retired or not).

We will also forbid pulling for members outside alliance in order to police these transactions easier.

For this reason we will change the wording of MILKING rule so it will make crystal clear what is allowed and what is not:
Current wording of Milking wrote:Milking is a form of cheating. It is the intentional movement of resources between two consenting parties. No player may knowingly send resources to any player unless it is done during a trade in accordance with the Trade Ratios posted on the forums (Trading). Once within a 24 hour period a higher ranking player may send the equivalent of 1 hour of production to a lower ranking player (Pulling). Once within a 24 hour period, a lower ranking player may send the equivalent of 1 hour of production of each planet to higher ranking player as long as they are in the same alliance (Buffing). Moonshots, DF collection and Mercenaries payments are considered as Trading.
Proposed wording of Milking wrote: Every account must be played to its own full benefit. Anything contradicting this is considered MILKING. Both accounts involved in a milking case will be banned permanently.

-No player may knowingly send resources to any player unless it is done during a trade in accordance with the Trade Ratios posted on the forums (Trading).
-Once within a 24 hour period, any player may send the equivalent of 1 hour of production of each planet to any other player as long as they are in the same alliance.
-Moonshots, DF collection and Mercenary payments are considered as Trading.

Re: Milking&Fleet Crashing on retirement

MrSinister stopped playing actively, he gave his account away. The new owner has mentioned in circs that he couldn't change the name yet, because he has to get out v-mode first . And then it's still a certain time limit before he can change the account name.... He does want to change the name because he does not want Logged to hunt him.It's your own rules... Perses has taken Demise account in M as well. Gallaorn has fed his fleet to Zorton when he left in M. Demise returned to M and has taken another account to play . Yuna swapped account with another player a few months ago. Megamedes took RJ's account in Speed . Will you please ban all of them now?

Re: Milking&Fleet Crashing on retirement

The root of the problem is not fleet crashing retirement habit but the people who utilize this to cheat. I think that everyone here can easily discern a ninja hit, or a milking hit or a good bye hit.

Therefore we have decided to increase the penalty for MILKING to Game-Wide bans. This means that all accounts in all universes for all involved parties will be banned from now on. You have been warned.

There will be rule updates in all universes and an announcement to cover the new policy.

Re: Milking&Fleet Crashing on retirement

a) ''We are considering to remove all earnings from contruga for this particular case.''
the earnings went into my l/f's that i got a 7 billion ninja on, to take away all my earnings would be so unfair! i'v worked so hard for months on them l/f, to take away my profit based on something that was posted as ok by zorg is bang out of order!
Sinister quit the game!
check the IP on the account, you will see its been given away,
to ban that account, theres so many other accounts out there that Warwick has mentioned that would need to be banned! surely to have a from now on policy would be from now on rather than banning an account that was within the rules and punishing me for my months of work on 1 thing that again, was in the rules!

Re: Milking&Fleet Crashing on retirement

Warwick wrote:MrSinister stopped playing actively, he gave his account away. The new owner has mentioned in circs that he couldn't change the name yet, because he has to get out v-mode first . And then it's still a certain time limit before he can change the account name.... He does want to change the name because he does not want Logged to hunt him.It's your own rules... Perses has taken Demise account in M as well. Gallaorn has fed his fleet to Zorton when he left in M. Demise returned to M and has taken another account to play . Yuna swapped account with another player a few months ago. Megamedes took RJ's account in Speed . Will you please ban all of them now?

Gallaorn never fed his fleet away, I was the one who got his account :p
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!

Re: Milking&Fleet Crashing on retirement

Yep, but seems there might be some differences from that to what's being discussed here. Any account that was mine, and perses now has, wasn't fed away. I had to quit due to work. Once I came back, I started from scratch on speed, and was lucky to have gotten Gallaorns account in massacre.
They may not like me, but they've gotta respect me!