Con be Gone

sad to see 3 HC members all quitting after eachother, and knowing more have without posting,

Massacre was good, Joined in HC with a group of experienced players, and after a few weeks found myself being voted leader after we got rid of some questionable characters,
Proud to have been part of such a great team and great alliance, all legitimate experienced players and together we made the top alliance of massacre for a time, and are the oldest alliance in the server :!:

College over for a few months but coming round fast again, and wanting to spend summer with friends, mixed with friends leaving the game made a dying server less appealing,
not sure if il be back or passing the account on, but for now going perma blue.

So thanks for making the game for me to,
Everyone pressently in Hells Champions,
Silver rose, for the lolz
the_Avenger, hunting you was always entertaining,
and Helotes, for the 700K account that i was so close to having tripled.

All the best,
Contruga :ugeek:

Re: Con be Gone

Lol, the fact that you choose to react in this manner is enough proof of how scared you are of us and how relieved you are atm lmao.....Two of the three guys in M who can and have whipped your ***...lolol






Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Con be Gone

:D I individually package my lols, to preserve the lolness. I'm kinda sad to see more vmodes. I mean the server is drying up fast. These are no longer random people that find the game and leave after a day or two. Now we are losing committed players....The new server can not come fast enough. Sin I will miss you :) Err, as complicated as it was good luck in rl Contruga.