This peaceful mining empire was under attack!!! I was in shock!
Me , the uber peaceful emperor, ruler of the mining society , was under attack! And not just a Cruiser or even a Destroyer, no it was a DeathStar! The nightmare of every man in the Universe.....It had targeted my Moon, do you even know what happens to a planet when its Moon is destroyed?????? And being the miner that i am, i had no fleet around to defend me against this Titan, this ..this... this Kraken!!!! And due to electrical storms around the planet, i couldn't even communicate with the attacker to beg for mercy! I saw total annihilation, utter destruction! But good friend ********(i censored his name, don't want anyone to know it's Contruga) from the neighboring Empire called me through the telepathic frogs to offer his help....(How did he know i was about to be raped by a DeathStar???) After i changed my pants(why does this keep happening whenever i get attacked? Note to self:go to the doctor and let him do a full check-up),i conferred with my 3 wives and decided to take my friend's offer. I accepted, tried to communicate again with the DeathStar, to no avail so i left it to the God of Mining,Di.ckhead ....The one and only God we miners pray to....And of course the ships my friend sent. Thank Di.ckhead for the fast Lunar Guardians and the slow DeathStar.... He came ,he saw and he perished! Veni ,Vidi,Mortuus.... After the battle, i sent my Medics and Morticians to the scene. Even though they had planned to kill my citizens, i prayed to Di.ckhead for their souls.....
The defender has won the battle !
The attacker has lost a total of 7.500.000 units.
The defender has lost a total of 27.200 units.
A debris field containing 3.001.920 units of Metal and 1.514.400 units of Crystal has formed in orbit around the planet.
A fleet of the planet [x:xxx:x] to the moon of the planet [x:xx:x]
The defender has managed to block the attemp to destroy the moon
The probability of creating a moon is : 19 %